
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

X is for eXtraterrestrial eXterminators

Only three days left in the challenge, which makes me think . . . what on earth will I do with my time when April is over and I have no more alphabetic awesomeness? I guess I'll have to focus on other things like, oh no, my writing. 

Well, that's a problem for another day. Today I'm focusing on the letter "X" and another A to Z Movie Smackdown, and it's going to be a fun one! Why's that you ask? Because today is all about the ABC's of great entertainment – Aliens, Battles, and Cocky leading men. So VOTE for your favorite alien assault squadron, or in other words . . .

X is for eXtraterrestrial eXterminators:

[First Alternate Pairing (non-comedic): Battle LA vs. Edge of Tomorrow]

This post is part of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme (in case you didn't already guess it) is Movie Smackdowns. Cast your vote NOW! Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you'd like to check out the other A to Z participants, simply click here.


  1. Oh this one is so, so easy since I wanted to bury my head under a pillow when watching Battleship to get away from it ;) MIB wins hands down!
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  2. I agree MIB...hands down! I love those movies!

    AtoZ Blogger
    Live.Wag.BARK! |

  3. It's hard to see anyone voting for Battleship today. So of course, I am voting for Men in Black.

  4. Didn't get into either of the above - I'll go with Ghostbusters! xoxo

  5. Battleship by a mile. The only thing I can imagine is that everyone who isn't voting for Battleship quit watching before the last half hour.

    If it was a contest between MiB and the first hour and a half of Battleship, then of course I'd vote MiB, but that last half hour of Battleship is just... transcendent. For my money, it's one of the best moments in cinematic history.

  6. MIB by a long margin. Those guys are cool.

  7. MIB all the way for me. It is clever and funny. Not the typical film one thinks about when battling aliens

  8. MIB most definitely and edge of tomorrow for the alt pair.

  9. I'd go with MIB. At least it's intentionally funny.

  10. Men in Black is my vote; loved that movie when it first came out.


  11. It's hard to believe we are up to X! Free time for writing will be a good thing. :)


  12. MIB! Thought you'd have gone with the title 'X-Rated' for X. Lol

  13. I'm going X-Men because it was campy! And I'm a huge fan of Tommy Lee Jones.

  14. I'm going X-Men because it was campy! And I'm a huge fan of Tommy Lee Jones.

  15. MIB. I still like to watch this one.
