
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Y is for Yuletide

It's the penultimate day of the challenge and time for the letter I struggle with every blessed year. Did anyone else have trouble coming up with something for the letter "Y"? Fortunately for me, I happened to come up with a category that not only works for today's letter, but also helps me settle a long debated subject with my friends. 

So for today's A to Z Movie Smackdown, the category is Christmas – or Yuletide  movies. And seriously, I could come up with a list so long it would eclipse the entire challenge (I'm a Christmas fanatic). But instead I'm simply going to feature two of my favorites and one movie that I absolutely hate (you'll have to guess which one that is, as I won't be telling just yet), and we'll see what you guys have to say about it. So cast your VOTE and let me know which is your favorite . . .

Y is for Yuletide:

 vs. vs.

This post is part of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme (in case you didn't already guess it) is Movie Smackdowns. Cast your vote NOW! Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you'd like to check out the other A to Z participants, simply click here.


  1. It's How the Grinch Stole Christmas for me, with Home Alone coming in as a close second.

  2. Yes, 'Y' gave me headaches too! I eventually got my fans on Facebook to weigh in and help me find a topic! My theme has been "Out of Africa" and I eventually settled on Y is for Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow - a beautiful flowering shrub found in Southern Africa.
    Re movies, I would have to go along with Home Alone as I haven't seen the other one.
    Participating in
    Out of Africa - Topics from A to Z

  3. A Christmas Story. Can I use all the days I didn't vote for a movie and cast them for this one? My family watches it every year. I have the DVD. We still make jokes about someone looking like a 'deranged Easter bunny'. A Christmas Story for sure! Yay, Ralphie.

    Life After Retirement - My Russian Adventure

  4. We love Home Alone (1 and 2), and the Grinch - Have never gotten into Christmas Story - But then there's Rudolph, Christmas Vacation, Elf - Oh my goodness, so many favorites!! xoxo

  5. I'll have to go with A Christmas Story, but I love all three! Now I want to know which one you hate...

  6. going green with the Grinch! Growing up that was my nickname...

  7. Home Alone. Soggy Bandits forever!

  8. My favorite is Home Alone, but I like the second one more. :)

  9. Going left to right: hate it, love it, like it. So going for grinch. Can't believe white Christmas isn't up there.

  10. What a choice! We watch Christmas Story every year so I'll go with that.

  11. I vote for Home Alone, it and White Christmas are my favorites.

  12. Grinch, then Home Alone then Christmas Story. If I could choose from any movie White Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life would have to be there. And while no one has heard of it you should all watch The Ref. Awesome counter programming for Christmas! Such a great movie with a good cast. We watch that every Thanksgiving night to get ready for the season.

  13. Oooh to close ones for me but I shall go with "A Christmas Story" as my first since I love so many things about this one. It has the meanest Santa and elf ever-beats Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa. The close second is The Grinch. How can one not love Boris Karloff being the narrator. I am not a fan of the kid at all so Home Alone can stay all alone for me. Hey? Where is my all time favourite "It's A Wonderful Life?" :)

  14. I realize I'll probably shoot my eye out, but it's "A Christmas Story" for me.

    John Holton
    Blogging from A to Z 2015 Cohost
    The Sound of One Hand Typing

  15. Well, I never really got into A Christmas Story, so for me, I'm going to choose Home Alone.

  16. A Christmas Story! You'll shoot your eye out! That movie is the best :)

  17. A Christmas Story, hands down. Don't get me wrong, I've seen and enjoyed the others, but A Christmas Story is something I've enjoyed no matter what stage of my life I'm in.

  18. I've gotta give this one to Home Alone - I still love it, I can't help it ;)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  19. Home Alone and the Grinch, essential for a wonderful Christmas.
