
Monday, April 27, 2015

W is for Westerns

Well A to Z-ers, it's the last week of the challenge. I'm exhausted, but sad to see it coming to an end. I'm glad to see there are so many of you still participating. You've almost made it to the finish line!

For today's A to Z Movie Smackdown, I'm featuring the wild, wild west. I don't watch a lot of westerns, but the two I've chosen today are among the greats. One of these films happens to feature one of my favorite film characters, but telling you would be cheating. So VOTE for the following and let me know which is your favorite Western!

W is for Westerns: 


This post is part of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme (in case you didn't already guess it) is Movie Smackdowns. Cast your vote NOW! Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you'd like to check out the other A to Z participants, simply click here.


  1. The first one I don't believe I've ever seen, and I have a very vague recollection of Tombstone, so I guess no vote from me today. I love westerns though, and since you didn't list any alternatives I'd go out on a limb and throw Unforgiven into the mix. :D

  2. Westerns. A genre I absolutely love. That being said I am going with Lonesome Dove which I have seen countless times. And the sequels too. I must confess I have a soft spot for the old Wyatt Earp TV show and it is hard to vote against any movie where that person shows up, but Lonesome Dove.

    Life After Retirement - My Russian Adventure

  3. Tombstone... never watched the LD, but most of the times I don't enjoy westerns... not sure why?

  4. There are so many I've enjoyed. Between those two, definitely Tombstone.

  5. Neither of these would be my favorite Western. The Quick and the Dead, 3:10 to Yuma, Django Unchained...My favorite has got to be The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Going back historically, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance might be John Wayne's best, while High Noon may be the most iconic.

  6. Tombstone, because I haven't seen the other one XD

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  7. This is a tough one, but I'll go with Tombstone.

  8. Tombstone! Looks like it's a winner:)

  9. Love westerns and the scenery in many of them. I don't remember which of these I liked best.

  10. Lonesome Dove because the book was great (haven't seen the movie)

  11. I go with Tombstone. I liked that it was not just about the gunfight but so much more plus it has Sam Elliott whom I love. Now if you picked The Searchers, Red River, Stagecoach, Bend of the River etc... I wouldn't know what to do (yeah I would pick The Searchers)

  12. Tombstone since I didn't see Lonesome Dove :) I did see Insurgent over the weekend and loved it (which has nothing to do with the challenge or the letter W, but thought I would just mention that).


  13. Tombstone. Have never liked L.D. Besides val's kissable lips are in it.

  14. Hmm. Haven't seen either one. Based unscientifically on the movie poster, I'd say Tombstone.


  15. Completely impossible to vote on this one. Lonesome Dove my all-time absolute favorite Western mini-series. In fact this past weekend re-watched the part about Woodrow & Gus at the end. BUT Tombstone is my all-time favorite Western. To this day believe that to be Val Kilmer's best role e-v-e-r. Outstanding cast...a draw on this ballot...apples and oranges:)

  16. Additional comment - am astounded how many people have not seen Lonesome Dove...makes me feel old...and also Tombstone - stellar cast

  17. I know I'm late, can I still vote? Tombstone is my fav of these two :)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Of course you can still vote! Votes are open until the end of the challenge. And I have to admit Tombstone is my favorite too :)

  18. Lonesome Dover gets my vote. It was an excellent Western.

  19. Lonesome Dover gets my vote. It was an excellent Western.
