
Friday, April 24, 2015

U is for Under the Sea

Yay, we made it to the letter "U", which means it's time for another A to Z Movie Smackdown . . . animated style. Today's post features two swimmingly superb selections of the subaquatic variety (hmm, maybe I should have made this an "S" post). I can't wait to see how you all VOTE today. Will is be the titian haired mermaid with amphibious side-kicks, or the film that taught us that fish are friends, not food? Only you can decide! 

U is for Under the Sea:


This post is part of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme (in case you didn't already guess it) is Movie Smackdowns. Cast your vote NOW! Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you'd like to check out the other A to Z participants, simply click here.


  1. Tough one. Little Mermaid was one of my favorites growing up, while Finding Nemo is one of my favorites, period. Arrggh. I'll vote for Little Mermaid. It had some pretty catchy songs and an amazing villain.

  2. I should rewatch Finding Nemo. And I'll vote for it today. I never was that into Little Mermaid.

  3. Finding Nemo!!!! Is now a good time to admit I've never actually watched The Little Mermaid? ;)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  4. Finding Nemo! It made me laugh, it made me cry, I loved it!
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles
    Wittegen Press

  5. Going with... Mermaid, it's my favorite film, never saw nemo..

  6. Nemo all the way.
    Although under the sea - I'd pick The Abyss.

  7. When The Little Mermaid came out, I watched it with my daughter many times - we loved this movie, the soundtrack is phenomenal - NEMO got us through many a sleepless night with my son who would keep us up! This one has to be a tie!

  8. Finding Nemo. That movie is one that I watched till I killed the DVD. Used to be able to quote half the movie.

  9. Nemo just because Dorrie is the best! Although It hurt me to not love on the mermaid.

  10. Oh no! I love both of them. I'm a huge Disney fan. The Little Mermaid was one of my favorites when I was younger, but...I'm voting for...Finding Nemo. You can't beat it.

  11. Definitely Nemo. I've learned to appreciate Little Mermaid as part of the Disney canon, but I loved Nemo from the get-go, especially Dory (because she's so much like my poor mother!).

  12. As for as the two movies, I woudn't know. I'm sure both have some merit for the kiddies.

    Thank you for dropping by my blog. It's my pleasure to meet you.

  13. I vote for Finding Nemo! What a fun movie it was!

  14. Nemo was the best. Loved that little guy.

  15. Oh I go with Nemo-He is a cute fish and love the characters more than Mermaid

  16. I would say they are tied. Its too difficult to chose between the two.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog, Palace of Twelve Pillars.

  17. I've only seen The Little Mermaid. Some people in elementary school and junior high used to get on me because my middle name is Ursula, as though it were only invented for that movie and didn't exist for thousands of years beforehand. It was even funnier to them because my best friend's name was Arielle.

  18. Never watched Finding Nemo, but if you had put Splash in there which is "vintage" now, I might have picked that. Actually I'd have to watch them all again.
    Maui Jungalow

    1. I should have! I LOVED Splash as a kid (I've always been a huge fan of mermaids).

  19. I have to go with The Little Mermaid though my daughter adores Nemo.

  20. Little Mermaid. First Disney movie I saw in the theatre.

  21. This is a tough one, but I think I'll go with Finding Nemo simply because it's so quotable.

  22. Wow, tough choice! Both movies are soooo good. But my favourite is Finding Nemo. One vote for the little fishy!

  23. Finding Nemo for sure! Close one though, but who can resist Dory.


  24. Stopping by from the #atozchallenge 2015! Thanks for visiting me. Congratulations on making it past the first half of the challenge.
    Great post. I'm following you on your listed social media sites.
    J @JLenniDorner

    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... my vote is here.

  25. Tough one! Arrgghhh.... but I just have to go with little mermaid. Always a stickler for some romance.

  26. Oh, I don't know, they are both soooo very good, but will echo the commenters above and go with Nemo. Loved that movie.

  27. This is an easy pick for me. The Little Mermaid. I loved that movie when little so it speaks to my inner child.

  28. Little Mermaid. The songs make me smile every time.

  29. This is a tough one. I loved The Little Mermaid growing up and Finding Nemo is just incredible. my vote is for The Little Mermaid, as I did a post about under the sea, the song, today.

  30. What a great theme! I can't believe I didn't find you until U! My vote is for The Little Mermaid... although I love Nemo too.

  31. Nemo. I never found Little Mermaid very appealing, and the original story is just horribly depressing :D

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  32. Good matchup today. Gotta go with Nemo. Righteous! RIGHTEOUS!!

    Chatter From the Mongoose Den
