
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A is for Angel Apocalypse (and IWSG)

It's finally here! Opening day of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I'm so excited to start reading everyone's posts and getting acquainted with some brand new blogs. I hope you're all ready for some alphabetic awesomeness. It's going to be awe-inspiring, brilliant, captivating, dynamic, excellent, fantastic . . . well, you get the idea. 

As I previously revealed during the Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal Blogfest, my theme this year is Movie Smackdowns. Each post I'll choose a category based on the day's assigned letter, and pick two movies to face off against one another. Then you get a chance to vote for your favorite flick. I can't wait to see which movies come out on top. 

For today's letter "A", I decided to start with two of my favorite guilty pleasure movies which, luckily for me, both fit under the umbrella of "Angel Apocalypse" films. So let's hear it. Which movie would you VOTE to win the Movie Smackdown? 

A is for Angel Apocalypse:


Well, as well as being the first day of the A to Z Challenge, it also happens to be the first Wednesday of the month, and thus time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post. Any guesses what my insecurities are for April? Let me give you a hint . . . A to Z!

This is my first year acting as one of the Challenge hosts, and I desperately want to do a good job. Everyone works so hard on this blogfest, and I want to visit every single participant. It can feel a bit overwhelming. 

But unlike many of my personal writing goals (which are most definitely being shoved aside this month), this is not an insecurity I intend to let get the better of me. I will do everything in my power to be the best A to Z Challenge host I can possibly be. And come hell or high water, I'm making it my mission to comment on as many blogs and reply to as many comments on my blog as I possibly can. 

I can't wait to meet everyone! And I hope every insecure writer out there has a great month and conquers every one of their writing insecurities. Good luck bloggers!
This post is part of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme (in case you didn't already guess it) is Movie Smackdowns. Cast your vote NOW! Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you'd like to check out the other A to Z participants, simply click here


  1. Awesome first post, Lauren. I knew I was going to enjoy your posts the moment I read your theme reveal.

    It's definitely Constantine for me. Legion, for lack of a better word, sucked, on too many levels.

  2. Oh No - I can't choose between these two, they are both fantastic! I like them both for different reasons. Constantine is a hard-arse and I love Gabriel, but Paul Bettany is so composed and driven in Legion.

    If I have to choose between the angels, then I think I have to go with the wonderfully psychotic Gabriel in Constantine - so I vote Constantine.

    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles
    Wittegen Press

  3. How am I supposed to pick - I really love both of those. I especially liked the conflict between Michael and Gabriel in Legion, but I would have preferred a different ending, so I'm going to vote for Constantine (also it is impossible to vote against Tilda Swinton). And thank you, I've been trying to work out where I've seen the chap from NCIS New Orleans for weeks and you have now reminded me he is in Legion :D.

    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  4. So I see I will now have a movie list. Have not seen either of these two flicks. I'm still reading all those fairy tales from last year.

  5. It's a great start... I think Constantine, pulled me in a little closer. So many angel directions, cool.

    Welcome in the "A"... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  6. I haven't seen either of those movies! Obviously, that needs to change.

  7. I am sure as a Challenge Host you will do a grand job indeed. I am one of Mr B's Ambassadors and doing my bit, only I am a bit maverick so tend to go off doing my own thing, but I am trying to be good and so far doing great, well I guess it is just the first day. Good luck with your journey to Z I hope you have many visitors who will smile and be happy (I plan to remain grumpy, I find it creates less work).

    Sadly I watch very few movies and have never heard of either of these. I did watch Local Hero the other night its a cool film.

    I WILL RETURN. . . maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but SOON. . ish

    Rob Z Tobor

  8. Are you kidding me?! This is a non-contest. :D Constantine was way better done than Legion. Legion had a good concept and some good visuals, but it was still... well, bad. Or at least a VERY guilty pleasure :D (I do love me some Paul Bettany, though)
    Happy A to Z!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  9. You'll do great as a co-host. Just visit as many as you can and don't stress it.
    Definitely Constantine over Legion/

  10. Constantine was amazing - just enough darkness,hope, and great acting. That's my vote! I'm looking forward to your blog this month - going to be fun!

  11. I know you will be a great co-host-enjoy every moment and stress is something to bury:) As for the movies. I saw I go with Constantine:) I shook my head too much, and not in a good way, when I was watching Legion. I feel bad because I voted for a film I have not seen

  12. Aaaargghh haven't seen either of them! I love your enthusiasm Lauren thank you!

  13. Movie Smackdowns! I love it. I saw Legion, but not Constantine. I really can't say. Maybe I'll see if Netflix has Constantine. I look forward to your posts. Thanks for visiting my blog today. Cheers!

  14. Good luck with A to Z. And I haven't seen either of the movies, but the majority of what I've heard about Legion hasn't exactly been kind.
    God, Entertainment, & Annoying Things

  15. I know what I'll watch on Netflix this evening :) Looking forward to all the movie recommendations this April!

  16. I haven't seen either, so I choose Legion based on the cover.

  17. I definitely could not do this for the AtoZ. Congratulations on such a great theme.

  18. Constantine most definitely has my vote. Loved it so much better than Legion.

  19. It's been awhile since I watched Constantine, but from what I recall it was decent. I haven't seen Legion.

  20. Definitely Constantine, cause I'm a long time fan of Keanu Reeves! I am really looking forward to reading your challenge posts! Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!

  21. Its Constantine that gets m vote! But then because Keanu Reaves is in it :) LOL I just realized that's what the comment before me said almost :)

    It is overwhelming to think of everything to do with the A/Z challenge but I think we just try to do the best we can to visit the blogs as we can. I know I tried to visit a lot with the theme reveal; got about half way through the list and then ran out of time. Too bad we can't clone ourselves in April so our clones can do our responsibilities and we can spend time reading blogs :)


  22. Great Idea for your theme. I don't know either movie, so I can't play today, but I will be checking back to play when I can!

  23. Sorry Legion, but Constantine has it going down. :)

    You're going to be an awesome host. One day at a time.

  24. One of the things I'm insecure about as a writer is that I am clueless about current culture. I haven't heard of these movies, let alone seen them! Maybe I ought to write historical instead!


  25. I haven't seen Legion, but I never miss a chance to vote for Constantine. Such a fun guilty pleasure movie, and I love Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz (whose name I am undoubtedly misspelling)

  26. I confess, haven't seen either of these. I'll have to check them out.

  27. I vote for Constantine. I think I've watched parts of Legion but never the entire thing. This is a great idea. I love voting.

  28. I rarely go to the movies as no one from my family will go with me (we seem to like different things) so I catch up on DVD. Interesting theme, thanks for sharing - I'm A-Z Blogger number 596 Leaning On The Gate

  29. I'm going to have to go with Constantine but only because I haven't seen Legion. Great theme!

  30. Haven't seen these movies. But definitely on my list now. Thank you. Happy A-Z challenge.

  31. This is so hard. I will end up outing my geekiness in this comment but... Although, I like Constantice better than Legion, as far as solidly adhering to an Angel Apocalypse, Legion is the winner for this category. As far as story and engagement goes, Constantine is the better film.

  32. Hi,nice to meet you. I haven't seen any of those movies so can't vote, I will be back though as am looking forward to seeing what other movies you will feature throughout the month. :-)

  33. I'm afraid I haven't seen either of these movies, but thank you so much for being a challenge host. This looks like a fun theme for your April!

  34. Great category! Can't wait to read more:)

  35. Doh! Haven't seem either of these films. Although I'm not certain about the Keanu Reeves one. Anyway, I've read about angels on another A to Z entrant today, they're obviously a good way to get going.

  36. I love your theme! Unfortunately I haven't seen many movies - I mostly watch TV show marathons and read - so I can't vote. But such a great idea! And thanks for visiting my blog this AM - you're going to be a great host!

    - Allison

  37. Haven't seen either but will put on my to do list. The eldest daughter rented net flix for us :) a to z blogger

  38. Great way to start this challenge!

  39. I haven't seen either one, but I'm going to vote for the one without Keanu Reeves in it. My favorite angel apocalypse movie has got to be Dogma.

  40. Constantine hands down! Love that movie!

  41. I honestly can't remember if I've seen Constantine (if I did, it obviously didn't leave much of an impression), and I definitely haven't seen Legion. Can I vote for Dogma instead?

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and good luck with the rest of the challenge! So far, you're doing a fantastic job of hosting!

  42. Movie Smackdown, now that's a killer theme.

    Gonna have to side with Constantine though, never having seen Legion. It's back story is amazing if you ever have the chance to check it out. The character ages real time as the comics are published.

  43. A movie theme! This sounds like it's going to be fun. We watch a lot of movies at our house -- mostly rentals. I look forward to learning about more movies through you. Have a fun challenge!

  44. Never seen either so cant vote. I do hope its a rewarding albeit stressful month for you.
    Happy A to Zing

  45. I don't think I've seen either! How did I miss these two movies? *adds to my movie list*
    Hang in there with the challenge and Happy A-Zing! :)

  46. I haven't seen either of these two movies also, but I will be checking back to what else you'll be pitting against each other!
    Judi -

  47. I haven't seen either movie but I'll vote for Constantine because I like Keanu Reeves.
    I love your theme and look forward to seeing you have planned for tomorrow.

  48. I haven't seen either movie but I'll vote for Constantine because I like Keanu Reeves.
    I love your theme and look forward to seeing you have planned for tomorrow.

  49. what a fun idea!

    i choose 'constantine'.

    thanks for visiting my blog! :D

  50. Hmmm, a movie smackdown - I don't watch that many movies. Just from the movie posters, I would choose "Legion". Posters are like book covers - the poster has one chance to sell you. I'm sure you will make a great host - and the fact that you visited my blog first thing proves it.

  51. I select Costantine! Anything Keanu Reeves does it for me!

  52. Oooh jeez, I forgot the IWSG AGAIN!

    To be honest, I haven't seen either of these movies. ;) But I love your movie smackdown theme! :D Should be fun.

  53. Having seen neither of those movies, I'm gonna refrain from voting. Till tomorrow!

  54. Haven't seen (or even heard of) either of these movies. So no vote. Thanks for taking on the additional challenge of being a challenge host.

  55. So it seems I am WAAAY behind on the Angel Apocalypse flicks, but based on the Amazing ART of the covers, I would go see Constantine.

    Enjoy your Co-Hosting....I'm betting you will be AWESOME with such a positive ATTITUDE!
    Thanks for visiting my Blog for the opening of Letter A.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    Minion for AJ's wHooligans

  56. My vote is for Constantine. It is the only one I saw. So perhaps I am not being fair in casting a vote, but didn't it win my vote already when it was the one I chose to see?
    Now I want to see Legion!

  57. I too have seen neither of these movies, so will not cast a vote, but I look forward to seeing what other offerings will be coming during the A to Z challenge.

  58. I like the movie smackdown concept! And A is such an exciting time for A to Z.


  59. Ditto everyone else... don't know the movies... so gonna have to cast a random vote for my fave angel flick: Dogma
    Wendy at Wendy of The Rock

  60. I think you're going to be fine. I've got no hope of visiting everyone; but if I get to meet a couple dozen new folks, I'll be happy. If I've got 26 posts, and 60K words of Camp NaNo novellas, I'll be thrilled.

    As for the movies, Angel Apocalypse makes me think of the angels in Doctor Who. I can't get past that! *shudders*

  61. I rarely watch movies so I can't believe you have two selections that I have actually watched! I love them both but would have to say Legion was better, sorry Keanu.

  62. I'm sad to say I haven't watched either of these... but the covers sure make me want to.

  63. Constantine, without a doubt. I enjoyed both, but just felt that Constantine was a better film.

  64. Constantine! How did I miss the first one? Damn. I need a cup of coffee!

  65. I might be in the minority, but I preferred Legion of the two, but Dogma would be my favorite Angel war movie.

  66. Thanks for sharing. I haven't seen either movie so I can't pick, but I'll definitely go check them out! Looking forward to your future A-to-Z contributions

  67. I've not seen Legion, so I can't compare the two. But I do love me some Keanu Reeves!! Constantine was great...and I've been enjoying the tv take on it as well.

  68. Nice!
    I did see Constantine, but not Legion.
    I would have to go with Keanu!

    We will all do a great job, you'll see!

  69. I haven't seen Legion. Constantine was okay. My favorite "angel apocalypse" film is still The Prophecy. Christopher Walken did such a great job in that.

  70. Love your A to Z theme! I'd vote, but haven't seen the films...
    Thanks for being a co-host!

  71. Absolutely love your A to Z theme! I'm going to have to pick Constantine for this one - I have seen Legion, but I fell asleep halfway through...whoops.

  72. Hmmm... can I vote for the blind angel Pygar in Barbarella instead? ;D

  73. Constantine is a great film that I though vastly under rated everywhere I went until I turned up here at this challenge. I have found my people at last!
    I did enjoy Legion too, and the TV series that it spawned... The Constantine TV Show was good too.. I as sensing a theme here... Probably that I am easily pleased.

  74. Constantine. Keanu can't act his way out of a paper bag but you gotta love Tilda Swinton as Gabriel. :)
