
Monday, March 30, 2015

Finally, A to Z Is Upon Us

The 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge is almost here. Let the countdown begin . . . only two days to go! Are you ready? Have you pre-written some of your posts? No need to worry if you haven't. Sometimes spontaneity can make for the best inspiration. 

Just a few reminders for those of you new to the challenge (and those of you who, like me, just occasionally need a reminder):

- If you're participating, please keep the A to Z Badge visible somewhere on your blog. (It's below if you need it!)
- Make sure you have comments enabled on your blog. 
- It helps is you disable word verification, if only for the challenge.
- Comment, comment, comment. The point of this challenge is to make new friends, and commenting on other bloggers posts is a big part of making that connection. And don't forget to return comments on your own blog. 

I hope you're all as excited for the challenge as I am! I'll see you all Wednesday for the best challenge in the blog-o-sphere. 


  1. I'm ready - bring it on!
    All posts written and one even scheduled.

  2. Only two days to go. Still have some work to do later today.

  3. Tension is mounting!!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

  4. Still have work to do here. But as long as I make it through the first week, I should be fine.

  5. Great tips! So excited about the challenge! Have 25/26 posts written :)


  6. I've finally gotten all my posts scheduled, so yeah, I can hardly wait for the awesomeness to begin. :D

  7. Good reminders for everyone! I'm so excited!!!
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
    A to Z Challenge

  8. Making sure i do all of this and if I miss something, please let me know:)

  9. So happy to be writing the challenge again. Thank you for your work with AtoZ
