
Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for Evil Overlord

Intricate plots for world domination. Secret lairs. Minions. Evil Overlords are the mother of all villains. And often comedic gold. There's nothing I love better than watching an Overlord at work. Especially when they make the classic mistakes documented in Peter's Evil Overlord List and inevitable foil their own schemes. 

*** Note to readers: If you've never heard of the aforementioned list, check it out here. Immediately.

E is for Evil Overlord 

Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog) – He sings, he wants to take over the world in order to enact social change, he creates weapons of mass destruc - well, they try. And his life's ambition is to make it into the Evil League of Evil. Dr. Horrible is the brilliant creation of Joss Whedon, brought to life on a three-part webisode during the 2007 Writer's Strike. He's endearing and love-sick, and like those of us participating in this challenge, he's a blogger. I hope and pray for the day Dr. Horrible finally gets a sequel. 

Dr. Evil (Austin Powers series) – A somewhat less altruistic Overlord than the previous "doctor" (which reminds me, I'd like to see some documentation on these supposed doctorates), Dr. Evil is the antagonist of International Man of Mystery, Austin Powers. He even went as far as to create a "Mini-Me", a villainous clone exactly one-eighth his size. And yet between his devotion to laser-wearing sharks and count-downs, Dr. Evil is incapable of actually carrying off a scheme. It's bumbling overlords like him that gave birth to the highly entertaining Evil Overlord List. 

Buddy Pine aka. Syndrome (The Incredibles) – Though he was once famous superhero Mr. Incredible's #1 fan, Buddy Pine's anger at being rebuffed as a sidekick and subsequent bitterness morphed him from an idealistic kid into Mr. Incredible's nemesis, Syndrome. Wholly bent on exacting his revenge, Syndrome uses his talents to create a myriad of gadgets and sinister inventions with the sole purpose of making his childhood hero pay. 

Brain (Pinky and the Brain) – Ah, Brain. Who can forget the lab mouse with grand schemes. "What are we going to do tonight, Brain?" "The same thing we do every night Pinky . . . try and take over the world." Again and again he comes up with plots for world domination, and again and again they backfire. But this determined rodent never gives up, marking him as a true evil overlord. With the moronic Pinky by his side, this megalomaniac mouse will spend the rest of his life attempting to rule the world. 

Palpatine aka. The Emperor aka. Darth Sidious (Star Wars) – Though he's more specifically a Sith Lord, the in-sidious, power-hungry emperor of my childhood definitely makes my list of evil overlords. He uses deception and betrayal to gain political mobility, climbing from Senator to Chancellor, and eventually abolishing the Imperial Senate and naming himself Emperor. A cunning politician and tyrannical ruler, Darth Sidious is so evil he is, for all intensive purposes, inhuman.

And there you have it, my Top 5 favorite Evil Overlords. What are some of your favorites? 
This post is part of the Blogging A through Z Challenge 2013. My theme (in case you didn't already guess) is character types and tropes. Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you’d like to check in on the other participants, simply click here.


  1. Well, I am all about Dr. Horrible (and YES on needing a sequel!). And The Brain.

    Now I have two theme songs fight in my head for top billing.

  2. Thanks for the Evil Overlord link. I'll have to spend some time reading this.

  3. I have a "Brain for President" t-shirt. I'd vote for him.

    I have heard that there is a sequel to Dr. Horrible in the works, though I haven't checked on that in a while.

  4. Definitely Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Or however you spell it. He's amazing.

  5. My favorite in list is Buddy of the Incredibles. Have watched movie more than once with my husband. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Dr. Horrible rocks! I'd nominate Gru from Despicable Me. After all, without him where would his minions be (besides in a whole heap of trouble)?

  7. Very cool post, Pensuasion. I'm glad you mentioned Pinky and the Brain. Thanks to Steven Spielberg, the show used live music recorded by Hollywood studio musicians. I had the pleasure of attending a recording session, and was most impressed by the expertise built into the score of the various episodes.

    Good luck with the rest of the A to Z Challenge! And do visit Beverly in Movieland again soon!

    Beverly Gray

  8. I wish I had been online as much as I am now when Dr. Horrible originated. It sounds like it was a great webseries!

  9. Neat post! I loved Pinky and the Brain. Even though I can't think of his name...I love the evil guy from the old Inspector Gadget cartoon.

  10. Yay for Dr. Horrible! Excellent theme you have. I particularly liked today's and yesterday's posts.

  11. lol, Dr. Horrible was awesome (I think I may use that word a bit too much), loved the Brain, and the others you mentioned.

  12. I so miss The Brain....and I think this school break it is finally time to see Dr. Horrible!!
