
Thursday, April 4, 2013

D is for Demon Hunter

I have to admit I've been waiting for the letter "D" ever since I came up with my A through Z theme a month ago. Why? Because I simply love demon hunters. Protectors from evil. Warriors fighting against the forces of darkness. They symbolically battle the monsters that plagues our nightmares, allowing little children – and fully grown writers with overactive imaginations – to sleep peacefully after the lights go out . . .

D is for Demon Hunters

Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) – The hero of my adolescence, Buffy Summers is a five-foot two, blond bad-ass. Created by Joss Whedon as the antithesis of "the little blonde girl who goes into a dark alley and gets killed in every horror film", Buffy steps up as the Chosen One, protecting the world from demons and vampires alike. With the help of her "Scooby gang" and vampire-boyfriend that is. 

Ash Williams (Evil Dead series) – A sawed-off shotgun in one hand and a chainsaw strapped to the other, Ash is the formidable opponent of the evil dead and their Army of Darkness. He won't hesitate to kill his girlfriend or cut off his own possessed hand with a saw in the name of Deadite destruction. Now that 's dedication. 

John Constantine (Hellblazer comics and Constantine) – A character that could have easily made the Antiheroes list, Constantine is a chain-smoking sorcerer and occult detective. Unlike most demon hunters – who are quite happy to slash and burn – Constantine generally dislikes guns and weapons. With an army of magical tricks, cunning wit and mystical knowledge, Constantine mostly takes on his demon foe with brains rather than brawn. 

The Winchester Family (Supernatural) – A father and sons demon-hunting family, the Winchesters are definitely high on my list supernatural slayers. With their preference for classic rock, fast cars and lethal firearms, they are a force to be reckoned with. For demons that is. 

Solomon Kane ("Weird Tales" short stories, Solomon Kane comics and film) – A 17th century Puritan, Solomon Kane travels the world with the sole purpose of fighting evil. Carrying a rapier, pistols, a dirk and the mythical Staff of Solomon, Kane is more than equipped to take on vampires, ghosts and other demonic forces of evil. 

Here are a few honorable mentions, each for a specific demon category . . .

> Vampires – Blade (Blade comics and films)
> Zombies – Alice, the Redfields and Jill Valentine (Resident Evil movies and games) 
> Werewolves – Selene (Underworld series) 

And there you have it, my Top 5 favorite Demon Hunters. What are some of your favorites? 
This post is part of the Blogging A through Z Challenge 2013. My theme (in case you didn't already guess) is character types and tropes. Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you’d like to check in on the other participants, simply click here.


  1. Buffy, my all time favourite demon hunter :)

  2. Buffy is my favourite demon hunter. Saying that, Sam and Dean Winchester could stop by any time I need to be rescued from demon too ;)

  3. I'm showing my age here. Kolchak, the Night Stalker. Low-budget vampire hunting in the early 1970's.

  4. What a great theme - can't wait to see what you come up with for some of the more trickier letters!!

  5. Well, you know I adore Buffy and the Winchesters, but when I first saw the title of your post, I have to admit my very first thought was Rogue Demon Hunter Wesley Wyndham-Pryce.

  6. Buffy and Dean Winchester top my list. Enjoyed Grimm too.

    1. Wow, can't believe I didn't think of Grimm myself. I love that show!

  7. I like Ghost Rider. He was kind of a demon hunter...right? You know I'm a Buffyholic from way back when. And Constantine, for me, is a cult classic. Awesome post.

  8. Solomon Kane was one of the first comic mini-series I ever had. I loved it.
    I've always enjoyed Constantine more than his comic.

    My favorites will have to be Sam and Ruth from The House on the Corner, although it's more accurate to say they are monster hunters.

  9. love all the above! superheroes ya know?

  10. Buffy would definitely on my list. DD2 got me interest in Buffy and I just loved that world. I am a new follower, I love your theme.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  11. I used to love Buffy when I was a teenager (mainly because I fancied Seth Green).

  12. I was really into Buffy back in the day, for all the wrong reasons. The other demon slayers you picked seem solid too, especially the honorable mentions. But why, pray tell, is Hellboy not on the list!?

  13. If you count fake demon hunters, then it's got to be Gilderoy Lockhart.

  14. Love this, especially since I write about demon hunters and vampire hunters. Buffy and Winchesters would have to be my favorites from your list. Also, of sorts you might count Harry Dresden, though he's more eclectic in his killing of monster who piss him off (or he pisses off). Good luck on the A-Z Challenge.

  15. Constantine the comic was better than the movie. Isn't it always?

  16. Dante from the Devil May Cry series. Quite the smart ass demon hunter. Also Spawn, Dark Horse comics.
    Love those fellas.

  17. I love Supernatural. #teamdean :)

  18. I don't exactly have a favorite, but I do find myself attracted to this sort of character. I could definitely see myself as a demon hunter if the conditions were right. :)

  19. Gotta love supernatural and resident evil :)
