
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Zombie Cookie Extravaganza

I was feeling a little sad last night -- it was the would-be 29th birthday of a friend of mine that died two years ago -- so I asked my husband if he'd like to make Halloween cookies with me. I looked forward to using my new zombie cookie cutters for the first time. So we got all the supplies together, busted out the cookie batter, dyed some icing a delicious shade of green and got down to business. Here's a taste of the finished product:

Hmm, I probably need to work on my pastry decorating skills. Anyway, after a while we got a bit more creative: 

The heart was mine -- a gift for my husband. The spider was his creation, a tribute to his rampant arachnophobia. And then, to my great displeasure, I had to abandon my culinary creations and head out for a late night soccer game. I left him in charge of our "son" Freddy, a zombie toy I gave him when we first started dating. When my soccer game was over and I checked my phone, here's what I found waiting for me. 

"Freddy getting started."


"The Skeleton."

"Freddy is good."

"Father and son watching Avengers post-cookies."
Needless to say, it cheered me greatly. My husband is the cutest! I hope you come up with some fun, Halloween related festivities to celebrate this spooktacular holiday! 


  1. He did good.
    So sorry about your friend.
    I think you made some awesome zombie cookies. I should suggest to my wife that we do the same.

  2. So wonderful to have a guy that's a lot of fun. Sorry about your friend.

  3. I can't wait to make some Halloween goodies! Those cookies look great :)

  4. Halloween cookies!! Yet another thing I don't have the energy to do at the moment but that sounds like so much fun! You do have a cute hubby. =) Terribly creative too.

  5. It is sad when someone dies so young but you were able to lift your spirits and your hubby was great in helping you laugh. Having fun is the best way to honour who we have lost and help us through

  6. Those cookies are so creative! No wonder this helped cheer you up...

  7. Adorable! Yay for Fred and hubby, cookie-fied and watching the tube. lol
