
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We Briefly Interrupt This Writing Process...

I had great intentions at the beginning of June. I was going to hit my writing hard, bang out at least a few new chapters a week. I had it all planned out. I just forgot one small problem . . . 

I don't know what I was thinking. There's no way I can possible give my full attention to my manuscript when the WORLD CUP is going on. I've been waiting four years for this. I've filled out my bracket (which I hate to say is already looking a little shaky) and kept track of all the qualifiers. I'm the defending champion from the 2010 World Cup (viva Espana!), and I have to make sure to give my favorite teams my full support and attention. 

So I guess my devote-yourself-to-nothing-but-writing plan is going to be put on hold just a little longer. I fully intend to work on it through the months of June and July . . . from the hours of 8:30-11 A.M., 1-2 P.M., and 4-5 P.M. The rest of the day I'm unfortunately have other engagements.  

[Side Note: Was anyone else as impressed as I was by the USA vs. Ghana game? Way to go USMNT!]


  1. We're off to a good start!
    I've been distracted by the NHL and NBA finals, but fortunately they're over now.

  2. My family has been enjoying some quality bonding time over this year's World Cup :)

  3. We're a bit World Cup obsessed in this household too. And then there's Wimbledon...

  4. Oh I am a bad gal as I am not a watcher of sports and know of Pele and Beckham(spelling??). I watch the Tour De France and the Olympics...sometimes:) I can say this-This is actually a World cup title. I always shake my head when I hear World Series as it is all the U.S and 1 Canadian Team.

  5. I am trying to learn more about soccer and make an effort to watch the World Cup. I must admit it's very exciting!! Happy Friday!!

  6. I prefer playing to watching, but loving it this year. Though it might have to do with my landlord always rooting for the team opposite me and the ensuring shenanigans during games.

  7. I've never been into football, but this year has been very exciting S.L.! I hope you're the defending champion from the 2014 World Cup.
