
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

IWSG and A to Z Challenge Reflections

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post. If you're an insecure writer or just looking to give other writers some much needed support, check us out here. And a big thank you to our Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh for running this group and being the biggest support of all!

As I mentioned in the title of this post, I will also be reflecting on the just completed Blogging from A to Z Challenge, so heads up. 

Like most writers, I've been plagued with insecurities recently (and by recently I mean pretty much always) about my writing and the seemingly impossible dream of getting published. It seems like it just might never happen, and sometimes makes it hard to keep soldiering on. And though this post is about to hit a happy note, I have to say that that fear... it's pretty much only gotten bigger and scarier with time. 

However, last month did some wonderful things for my insecure writer self-esteem. Over the month of April I participated in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge for the third year in a row, and for the first time ever I finished all my posts before the challenge began. And for twenty-six days while I was stressed over wedding plans, family health issues and the general stresses of life, I got to unplug for several hours a day and read peoples blogs. Blogs about travel and movies, the life of a writer and science fiction. It was wonderful, and since I'd already completed my own posts, I got to simply immerse myself in everyone else's. I made new blogger friends and reconnected with old ones. I gained some new followers and found new blogs that interest and entertain me. And had a great time acting as one of the A to Z minions! 

But most importantly, it felt fantastic to write for a a while without all the fear an expectation of publication. To just enjoy the process and share some of my favorite topics without getting caught up in the ultimate writer's endgame. And for that I'm so thankful for blogging and blogfests that bring some many people with so many different perspectives together. I can't wait for next April and the next A to Z Challenge!


  1. And that's an added bonus of the Challenge! You are writing, but there is no pressure to make it perfect for someone else.
    Thanks again for being an awesome Minion.
    Hope the other stresses go away soon.

  2. I'm so glad you had such a positive experience with the A to Z Challenge. I didn't do it this year, but I've loved it in the past. Even if I've never been so well organized as to have all my posts completed before the challenge began!

    Kudos to you!

  3. I always plan to have posts finished before, but that hasn't happened yet.

  4. Congratulations on finishing :) I think I managed to schedule the first two posts before falling behind, but I made it further than last time so im stoked!

  5. Congratulations on finishing! It sounds like it was super busy for you, and yet you did it!

    Participating in the A to Z Challenge sure gave me a different perspective on blogging. It was a worthwhile challenge for me.

  6. Congratulations on finishing the AZ despite all the demands on your time. Glad it worked out for you.

  7. It is wonderful when things work out in unexpected way. Congrats on A-Z finishing.

    Happy Writings,
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

  8. Pre-scheduling the posts really does make it so much easier to do the challenge, especially the visiting part!

  9. Congrats on finishing the A-Z! I loved your theme, and you put up lots of info I didn't know. It's so great to hear all the enjoyment you got out of the A-Z too. :)

  10. I love this: "it felt fantastic to write for a a while without all the fear an expectation of publication." I have taken a rather lengthy hiatus from writing - but recently started back again, and am just writing to write. It feels good :)

  11. Congrats on the A-Z challenge, I really enjoyed reading all of your posts this year. Excellent theme choice too. I think the advice about scheduling all the posts is a great one. I knew I wouldn't have the time this year but next time...

  12. It was fun and it was my first time-a virginal A to Zeder(Canadian eh:)) I really enjoyed reading your blog and I love fairy tales so this was right up my alley:) I wrote mine ahead and would have died, become a zombie and inhabited some mental asylum if I had to write every day and look at blogs. Congrats to you!!

  13. Congrats on completing the challenge! Finding great new blogs is the best part of the challenge.

  14. I created a card for one of our niece's and your A to Z plus a couple of others inspired me so hope you don't mind that I mentioned you in my blog:)

  15. Better late than never, huh? I didn't post my reflections post. I've been swamped and a bit on the down side too. I thought I'd come by and say hi though. A-Z does help with the insecurity. Crap! I missed that too. *sigh*
