
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It's the first Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group, hosted by one of my favorite bloggers and author of the CassaFire series, Alex J. Cavanaugh

I confess, I've been a bad blogger this summer. I keep meaning to make time for post-writing, but with all the travel I've been doing the past few months, I just haven't had the time. However, I've just returned from my last trip until November and should theoretically have more time (please Lord let there be more time) to devote to writing. I've even started brainstorming about a few of the posts I want to write. 

So hopefully this IWSG post will make the beginning of a more consistent blogging schedule. 


  1. I took a much needed break's to kids back to school soon and more time for writing in general :)

  2. Consistent conshmistent! Who needs that? ;)

    Way to recommit. Looking forward to reading.

  3. I've been scattered myself. I've had to set a schedule and blog ahead of time.

  4. But traveling is fun! (And it's been quite around here the past two months anyway.)
    We'll be reading...

  5. I never have enough time. I wish I could bottle the stuff and take it out when a bit extra was needed.
    Good luck getting in to a blogging schedule.

  6. Travel to your heart's content; blog when you can. I always feel guilty about not blogging enough or commenting more but sometimes you just gotta live life. Otherwise you'd have nothing to blog about!

  7. *grins* I bet if we had the option we would choose travel over blogging, S.L. No worries! Pair your lack of posting and my lack of visiting and we're even. Lol! *waves* Take care.


  8. I've been a bad blogger for years. I'm glad you have an excuse at least. For me it's usually because I don't feel like it.

  9. Seeing the world will just make you a better blogger S.L.

  10. This summer has been terrible for both blogging and writing, at least for me. I'm actually looking forward to the end of summer so that I can get something accomplished. Of course, fall is my favorite time of the year, so that helps.

  11. Great restart, and thanks for being a co-host. You probably have much to write about after all your travels. How fun!
