
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

J is for The Jetsons and Agent J

Many of my posts so far (apart from F for Fifth Element and Firefly) have been a little on the heavy side, so I thought for today’s post I would focus on something a little more fun.

What are two most popular topics of science fiction? Robots and Aliens. As a kid to me that didn’t mean extraterrestrials trying to take over the world or machines picking off humans one by one – it meant the Jetsons and the Men in Black.

The Jetsons are the perfect futuristic family – hard-working dad, beautiful mom, two kids, one dog . . . and a beloved robotic maid named Rosey. They even have a little alien pet named Orbitty that changes colors to express his emotions. The Jetsons exemplify the ideal android/human relationship, living and working in tandem, offering one another affection and companionship. Rosey helps the kids with homework, plays football with Elroy, and gives advice to Jane. Similarly, George treats his work computer R.U.D.I. like a dear friend.  It's a decidedly different vision from most science fiction (like The Terminator or I, Robot), where machines are something to be feared. Clearly in this society robots and people have learned how to peacefully coexist.  Let's hope this is the vision of our future. 

Men in Black on the other hand, depicts an Earth secretly inhabited by aliens. James Darrell Edwards III  aka. Agent J  is more than a little surprised when he learns of their existence, but nevertheless allows himself to be recruited into the MIB and thus becomes the vehicle through which the viewer experiences a world with alien interaction. While extraterrestrial and humans don’t live quite as peacefully as the Jetsons and their robot friends, there is certainly degree of cooperation and cordiality. In fact, we discover a few of our favorite celebrities are from other planets, including Danny DeVito, Sylvester Stallone, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Dennis Rodman. And for the record, I could not be more excited that they've made MIB 3, even in I'm concerned that it'll be a let down. 
This post is part of the Blogging A through Z Challenge 2012. My theme is (in case you didn’t already guess) science fiction. Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you’d like to check in on the rest of the participants, simply click here.


  1. This is too funny! I blogged about the Jetsons for J too! And Agent J is awesome!

  2. Yay for The Jetsons! I sometimes wonder if I'd still think that was a great future if I watched it as an adult. Would there be something that meant different things to me as a kid?

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  3. I liked the Jetsons when I was a kid. I still feel betrayed I don't have a flying car. I was sure I'd have when when I grew up, Jetsons told me I would!

  4. I watched Men in Black the other night, but unfortunately I'd had an early morning so I fell asleep half way through! It's a good film though :)

  5. If only we could put our fingers into machines and have instant manicures like the Jetson ladies! If only we could have a little pen that does a memory wipe. so every time I say something I regret, I just pop out the pen and have a do-over like MIB! (Also, I am pretty sure my next-door neighbors are from another planet.)

  6. I loved MIB. And Will Smith of course. :)

  7. I will always remember Rosie's recipe for eggnog from "A Jetson's Christmas Carol" - one egg, one nog.

    I miss the Jetsons.

  8. I loved the Jetsons :) Haven't heard mention of them in years though.

  9. My girls like to watch the Jetsons, always cracks me up when they show me this "new" cartoon they found. Yeah, "new" a few years ago bitties!

  10. You're right, science fiction is usually about robots or aliens or a combo of the two. I wonder why that is...

  11. Julie – You know what they say about great minds haha.

    Laughing Ferret – me too. I feel really deprived.

    Jade Oak Marsh – God, me too. I would LOVE to have the memory swiper so I could re-read my favorite books over and over again for the first time!! And your neighbors probably are. Especially the ones with the little dog.

    Janna – Isn’t that how you make it?

    Jenn – I definitely had the Jetsons theme in my head all last night after writing my post. “Meet George Jetson…”

    Melanie – probably because they’re just so cool.

  12. Oh, Will Smith - gotta love J. ;)

  13. I would have signed up for MIB before The Wife and before kids. I still want their gadgets, though. Especially the memory flashy thingy.

  14. I'm with Josh ^ I would've so joined them! Esp. if Will Smith would be my coworker

  15. I loved the Jestons architecture and interior design. Random, I know, but still.

  16. Really enjoyed watching the Jetsons as a child. Men in Black is the movie I usually put on when my husband says he wants to watch a funny movie.

  17. I really liked MIB too. The second one a little less. I'm not sure how the third one will pan out. I hope they didn't spit it out just to put the 3D tag on it.

  18. Visiting from A to Z. I've never watched the Jetsons, but it sounds like a fun program. Thanks for sharing.


  19. OMG... the Jetsons! That takes me back. I thought Men in Black was pretty darn funny too. Then there was Lost in Space, with Robby the Robot. It was such a campy show.

  20. Ha, I haven't seen the Jetsons in soooo long.
    Loved MIB

  21. Meet George Jetson... Loved that show and song - it's now going to be in my head all night! :)

  22. I loved the Jetsons! Definitely one of my favorite cartoons. And I adored both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones in MIB. Great choices!

  23. I spent many a Saturday morning lying in front of the TV watching the Jetsons (and Space Ghost). Ahhhhh....those were the days! :)

  24. I grew up watching the Jetsons too, and I loved them. What a great post to take us all back. :-)

  25. I love Men in Black! Never really got into the Jetsons, but love MIB.

  26. I'm not sure I'm ready for another MIB movie, but maybe it'll be great. I think that is a concept that would do well for a television series.

  27. I can't wait for MiB3. It looks awesome!

  28. Joshua – I so want to be Agent L. But I doubt I could be trusted with the flashy thing. No doubt I would flashy-thing myself accidentally.

    Cassie – Yeah, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have be my partner more than Will Smith haha.

    Beth – oh, me too. Their house looks like an arena or something. It’s awesome.

    Elise – I agree. I think it has the potential to be amazing, but you just never know. I mean, look at Indiana Jones 4. Ugh.

    Bish – it was definitely nice to take a break and talk about some funny and upbeat sci-fi favorites.

    DL – Space Ghost. WOW. I haven’t thought about that one in a looong time.

    Alex and Andrew – fingers crossed that it’s all that it can be and more! I’m so excited!!!

    Rusty – MIB on tv. Yeah, I could absolutely get behind that one!

  29. I am so excited about MIB III! It's been so long since the last one, that I really don't care if it's a flop. I think that Agent J is my favorite Will Smith role. As for The Jetsons, I still watch it with my daughter when we see it on. :-)

  30. I mentioned this on another post of yours, but I can't wait for MIB3! I don't care if it's lame, I love Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones! Their chemistry is awesome!
