
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Guardian Project

A while back my friend (and comic book guru) Steven told me about a new collaboration between Marvel genius Stan Lee and the National Hockey League. Referred to as The Guardian Project, this collaboration was envisioned as a way to bridge the professional hockey league, declining rapidly in viewership, and a generation of young kids growing up in an increasingly digital world. And so Stan Lee put his brilliance to work creating a superhero and back story representing each of the NHL’s 30 teams. As both an athlete/sports enthusiast, and a comic book nerd, I have to say . . . WOW!

The guardian team is led by Mike Mason, a Peter Parker-esque sports fan. Obsessed with hockey and superheroes, as a child Mike created thirty different characters for the NHL teams, inventing their powers and alter-egos, and writing about their grand adventures. However, when the world is threatened, The Guardians are brought to life to defend their home cities against a series of villains controlled by the evil and malicious Deven Dark.

Check out a few of my favorite Guardians (chosen by alter ego and bios, not sports team) . . .

To see the rest of the Guardian bios, check out their website:

Unfortunately, as I understand it, The Guardian Project wasn't terribly successful as a marketing strategy. For one thing, many people never heard of it, despite efforts to draw people in via contests and social media advertising. And let's face it, on a Venn diagram, the intersection between comic book readers and hockey fans is a rather small one – though I’m of course living proof that they do exist. Still, I'd consider it one of the coolest advertising campaigns I've ever seen. 


  1. You had me at "The." Love this!!

  2. I have to say those comic books look very cool. I'm writing down the name and making a point to check for some in our local comic book store (since the kids have gone coocoo for comics!

  3. That is epic. Not that I'm a hockey fan. But I'd be really curious if super heroes belonging to rival teams hooked up.

  4. My husband totally got me into loving comics after we were married. This one sounds pretty cool!
