
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group post. So here’s my insecurity for December. . .

What if my book is only as good as my title? I found out recently that I have to change the title of my novel – and it’s killing me. Truth be told, it’s because of the title that I wrote the book in the first place. I was joking around with a friend and said something along the lines of “wouldn’t it be interesting if there was training manual called The Evil Overlord Society’s Guide to Becoming an Evil Overlord”. And then, because we agreed it would be interesting and there wasn’t one already . . . I wrote it. While a few people told me it was too long, or too ridiculous, or too fill-in-the-blank, most people agreed that it was awesome. Including my agent.

Unfortunately, after some discussion, my agent and I decided that my story had progressed beyond what my title suggested. It wasn’t a guide to evil overlordom anymore; it’s about three high school misfits on the road to becoming superheroes. And while I love the way the plot turned out, I am LOATH to change what is perhaps the best (and catchiest) title I’ve ever come up with.

How am I ever going to come up with something better? I don’t think I can. And while I think (or at least hope) my plot holds up, will anyone bother to pick it up off the shelf if I can’t come up with something just as interesting?


  1. If you came up with that awesome title, you'll come up with another. It's like losing the remote - the second you give up there it will be. Maybe it's a good thing - now you need to write another book that is actually a guide to evil overlordom so you can use the original title. It's a great title.

  2. I think you can come up with another catchy title. That one is good, very good in fact, but it is a bit long. You'll come up with one and I bet you'll think it is better than the last. But I know exactly how you feel, changing something like that is hard to do. Someone suggested I change a character name, but I am so stuck on it, I can't picture that character with any other name.
    Good post!

  3. Change is good. Sometimes you just have to go with it and move forward. I can slay those sacred cows. You have to do what you have to do.

  4. Titles are tricky. You don't want to misguide the reader. Maybe you can save it for your next book?

  5. I understand how you're feeling. Titles tend to come before plot for me, they are vital to the work (apart from my current WIP which is the first time I've used a working title with a view to changing it). I'm sure the right title will present itself, once you start thinking about it.

  6. It's always hard to think you have it all in place only to realise that maybe a part of it just doesn't work. In your case your title, but at least you have figured that out and can work on a new one. BELIEVE in yourself and you can do it!!! YOU GO!!!!! xxx

  7. Titles are so hard! I'm sure you'll come up with something amazing though!!

  8. Personally,I think titles are harder than writing the book. Having to change one would be a'big bummer'.

  9. I agree that titles are hard. Yet I'm sure you'll surprise yourself. You'll wake up in the middle of the night and go AH-HA!

  10. I changed the title to my book more times than I can remember. Play with it. I bet you come up with something amazing. After all, you came up with that title, why not another great one?

  11. I've changed my title three times, and all my character's names. I'm sure you'll find something spectacular. Happy rewriting. :)

  12. I sorta love the original title, but it is a mouthful. If it doesn't fit the current storyline, then you'll find another that does!

  13. When did you get an agent? Who is it? I always thought the title was sort of long, personally. Now that you have an agent, will your story be published soon or is it still a long road to go.

  14. Thanks everyone for all the supportive comments.

    Tonja and E. Arroyo - Believe me, I'm keeping that in mind. I still think it would make an excellent story.

    N.R. - wow, that's a lot of faith in my title-writing abilities. Let's hope you're right.

    Jolene - I got an agent in August. It's actually Josh, that we met at the Houston writer's conference. The truth is, Josh loved the title. In fact, he hates the idea that I have to change it too. But it doesn't fit the story anymore. He said maybe we could use it in the next story. We're finishing up the rewrites and then he'd going to shop it around to publishers.

  15. COMPLETELY disagree with Jolene, Lauren. From day one, I thought your title was AWESOME! In fact, I do believe if you go back through your pages, you'll find many, many "I LOVE YOUR TITLE!!" notes from me all over!! This was before we were BWFF's. So seriously? It must be true!

    Also, I don't think a long title detracts from a book at all. If its clever, I say use it. Who cares if its long? Remember Nikki Loftin? The publishers changed her title to from Gingerbread (or something like that) to The Sinister Sweetness of Splenda Academy. Which, completely rocks if you ask me.

    Plus, I think the fact that Josh drooled over your title is enough credit to your awesome title-ness right there. And HE's an agent!

    Anywhooo... even though it'll be a good change, you MUST, MUST, MUST use it for a later book! A prequel, perhaps?! Can't wait!

  16. Titles are pretty tough, I'm impressed you had one you loved so much. Good luck coming up with something you love just as much. Maybe you can save it for another project.

  17. Titles are difficult! I was fortunate that my publisher kept the title of my first book, but I had no idea for the second one. (They came up with something good though.) Do a brainstorming session with your agent. With friends. Anyone who knows the story! Something will come.
    Thanks for participating in the IWSG!

  18. Titles are so hard. I recently re-titled my WIP and had the hardest time doing it. I read some quotes that touched on themes in my book, and gathered some words/ideas I liked. Then I hit the thesaurus and my family's brains. Through brainstorming and thesaurusing, we came up with a title that I love love love. So that's what I suggest: The Saurus! Good luck!
