
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Insecure Writer's Support Group

Well, apparently the IWSG post I wrote and scheduled for publication yesterday failed to upload. But it's better to be a little late than never, right? Anyway, the Insecure Writer's Support Group is a blogging community dedicated to struggling writers where we can get together and offer each other encouragement. If you're interested in joining us, check us out here!

This month I'm thinking of a new story, one that is firmly founded in the Christmas tradition. But I can't help but wonder if that's a good idea in today's environment? Is it a good idea to write a story wrapped up in a Christian holiday, thus alienating secular and non-Christian readers? To be clear, this story has nothing to do with religion other than the holiday it springboards from. But I can't help but worry it falls in to deep a niche for a broad audience. 


  1. Look how commercial Christmas is now - most people celebrate whether they believe or not. Write that story.

  2. The novella I just self-published takes place during Christmas. I worried about the same thing, but the story begged to be told and I had to oblige. I think if you tell a good story, readers will be interested.

  3. From what I've seen, there are a lot of people who would be interested in a story like that.

  4. There's definitely an audience for it, I think. In screenwriting we're constantly being told the Christian/religious market is huge and we should be writing for it. At the very least, there are people who enjoy "wholesome" fare. Not sure if your story counts in that direction, but . . . A good story is a good story, and if you're not beating people over the head with a message or religion, you'll find a market.

  5. Write what you want to write. Audiences etc can be kept in mind when it comes to publishing and edits.

  6. Have the courage to write your own story. Christmas is a season...write from your gut:)
