
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post! A big shout out to Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this group, and this month's co-hosts for being such a great support! If you're an insecure writer or just looking to support others who are, join us here

My writing insecurities this month are caught up in my personal insecurities -- I'm going to be a mommy. My husband and I are beyond thrilled (especially now that the morning sickness phase has passed), but as a writer, it's instilling within me many of fear and doubt. Will I have time to write after the baby comes? I barely have time to write now, let alone when a tiny person is dependent on my constant love and attention. I write Middle Grade fiction, so a part of me hopes that my soon-to-be bundle of cuteness will inspire me in new ways. But it's hard to know what my life will be like five months from now. 

What are some of your writing insecurities this month? Any other writing mothers out there with advice for me? 


  1. There are a lot of writers who are mothers that you can ask. I'm sure it will disrupt for a bit, but you'll find a new writing pattern.

  2. I didn't know that! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! The first few months you might not have time to write or want to write for that matter, but I think you'll get back into it. So many others write and mother their children. You can do it! :D

  3. I did lots of my writing in longhand with a notebook always by my side when my kids were little. But priorities...and there's nothing like that little being to help you get them all straight.

  4. I didn't realize you were expecting either. I guess congratulations are in order. I can imagine the baby taking up most of your time when it comes. But I am sure you'll figure something out in the long run. :)

  5. My grandson is crying. I have been holding him for two hours because he is teething and fussy. My neck is killing me. I finally put him in his crib and decided a ten minute cry might help. Me, not him. Having raised three boys who were born within 3 and 1/2 years of each other, I say 'good luck' with finding time to write. Congratulations!!!!

  6. Oh-Congratulations! I think, rather than worry about it (I am famous for being a worrier), enjoy your time. You will have a huge change in your life but I think that where there's a will, there's a way. You may write in a notebook, you may write in your tablet or when you are in the bathroom(my friend found that was her hideaway:)) I bet you will find something brand new to write about and it will be excitement

  7. Congratulations!!! I think at some point you'll find a writing groove again, even if it's just finding a spare moment here and there to write.

  8. Congratulations, what a wonderful thing to have a child. Take care of yourself. In a few months, you'll be cleaning house like you never have before. Then all the joy life can give you at one time arrives. You will write. Take care.

  9. Congratulations!!! I actually started writing shortly after my first son was born. Once he settled into regular naps, that became my writing time. There is more to juggle with kids, but as they get older, they can give you feedback and suggestions. My current WIP, a MG, was inspired by my son.

  10. Congratulations!! So happy for you and your hubby! You will establish a routine (eventually)


  11. You will make the time at each stage of your little one's life.
    Beverley Cleary dropped her twins off at preschool and wrote her Ramona books while waiting. Children provide lots of inspiration and are great critics. (I have 4)

  12. Congrats! My suggestion--and one I noticed others said--is to keep notebooks all over so that whether you're on the couch holding your bundle of joy, in the bathroom (a lot of thinking can be done in there) or in the nursery, you'll be able to jot down what's on your mind. Even if it's not a story or your WIP, the act of writing anything will keep your creativity fresh.

  13. Congratulations! I am sure you'll find a way to adjust writing with being a mom. I'm not one but there sure is a lot of writer moms around. I know quite a few, so don't worry that much. :)

  14. Hey, that's wonderful, Lauren! I didn't know! The newborn phase is a distant memory for me now, since my babies are 19 and almost 26, but it's a joy like no other and it continues for the rest of your life. Mothers find writing time when and how they can. You'll figure it out.

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  16. Congratulations. Fabulous news. I'm sure you'll get back into a routine once you stop ' standing and staring at them sleeping' phase.

  17. The big news is mommyhood! Congrats and don't be insecure. That job comes with an inbuilt manual.

  18. I'm still recovering from A to Z and just now getting around to visiting and commenting.
