
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

M is for Mice

Check it out bloggers. We've made it to halfway through the challenge! Can you believe it? It feels like it's flying by. But then, time flies when you're having fun, right? 

For today's A to Z Movie Smackdown, I'm kickin' it old school -- all the way back to my childhood as a matter of fact. Today I'll be featuring two animated films that I loved as a kid and, to be honest, still love today. My friend Tina was incensed that I didn't use Pixar's Ratatouille, but as that particular film features a rat, it didn't quite fit into today's category. So cast your VOTE for today's double feature and let me know which Mouse movie gets the cheese!

M is for Mice:


This post is part of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme (in case you didn't already guess it) is Movie Smackdowns. Cast your vote NOW! Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you'd like to check out the other A to Z participants, simply click here


  1. They're both good. I haven't actually seen the movies, but my kids have got the little book versions. I'll go for The Great Mouse Detective.

  2. I haven't seen the other one, but I remember Basil, The Great Mouse Detective, especially the epic fight sequence inside the clock tower, so that definitely gets my vote. :)

  3. Oh my, um ... I think The Rescuers have to have it because I remember that the most. I also remember the sequel :)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  4. Great Mouse detective and The Rescuers ..cute movies

  5. Don't remember either one.
    What about Stuart Little?

  6. The rescuers, hands down! My favourite moment is when the albatros first takes off and he's all out of breath and clumsy and falls off the edge - I used to laugh out loud as a kid!

  7. I loved The Rescuers. I've never seen The Great Mouse Detective though. I'll have to check it out, I'm a huge fan of Disney movies!

    My post for the A to Z Challenge.

  8. I begrudgingly have to give my vote to Basil and Olivia. Although as I sit here contemplating, it's a duel of songs between the song about Ratigan (The world's greatest criminal...mouse) and the song from the Rescue Aid Society (R-E-S, C-U-E, rescue aid society..).

    Still have to go with The Great Mouse Detective, but now I'll probably have both songs running through my head all day.

  9. Oh, this one is hard, because I loved both of those as a child (and still do). I think I'll go with The Great Mouse Detective because I'm a fan of Sherlock Holmes remakes.

  10. Gotta go with The Great Mouse Detective. LOVED that movie when I was little.

  11. The Rescuers! I loved, loved, loved that movie! And the second one.

  12. Haven't seen either in years, but I'd have to go with The Great Mouse Detective.

  13. My children enjoyed The Rescuers very much so it has my vote and fond memories.

  14. We had both those DVDs for our kids. Not sure what happened to them. Maybe we gave them away.

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Cohost
    M is for Movies

  15. The Great Mouse Detective!

  16. As a Disney fanatic I love both, but I have a soft spot for The Rescuers. Haven't watched either in years, might have to correct that soon.

  17. I'd vote for Pixar's Ratatouille if an option, but did like The Rescuers, so casting my voting there.
    Inventions by Women A-Z

    1. Ratatouille is another great suggestion. I blanked on that one when I offered my own alternative.

  18. My vote is for The Great Mouse Detective. He looks smart !

  19. Oh Darlink The Great Mouse Detective-love Eva Gabor

  20. Definitely The Rescuers. My kids loved this and the sequel.

  21. I haven't seen either movie. I have to say, though, I've got a soft spot for Stuart Little.

  22. That's a tough one, but I guess being the Sherlock Holmes fan that I am, I will go with Great Mouse Detective. Maria@Delight Directed Living

  23. Great mouse detective. Love Sherlock Holmes.

  24. Oh the Rescuers for sure! Loved that movie when the kids were younger!


  25. Oooh, really hard one. Rescuers get it for me, though - because of "Someone's Waiting to Love You" and because of the sequel. Sorry Great Mouse Detective, the Albatross's voice won it for Rescuers, and he's not even in that one!

  26. Too funny! You can always guess a person's generation by the cartoons they watched ��i loved Mighty Mouse!

  27. Loved Disney as a kid - I recall going to the cinema alone to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Now it's become a big commercial machine I'm not so enamoured with it now.

    Thanks for stopping by the open hearth :)

  28. brings back childhood memories.. :)

  29. The correct answer is An American Tail.

  30. I liked both films too, but if I have to vote, I'd do it for The Rescuers. So much fun! :-)

  31. I liked them both. I don't think I could pick between them.

  32. We have a dichotomy in our household on this one. The husband has a predilection for The Great Mouse Detective. For me, it's just meh. I much more prefer The Rescuers. I love the soft, soothing voice of Eva Gabor as Bianca and I adore Penny. Madame Medusa always felt like she had a bit of Mad Madam Mim to her. Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

  33. Rescuers was definitely my favorite, but they were both good! :)

    Commenting from via the A-Z Challenge
