
Saturday, April 11, 2015

J is for Jail Breaks

Well, we're coming to the end of the second week of the A to Z Challenge. How is everyone doing so far? Sticking with it? And for those of you how have voted everyday, a HUGE thank you for checking in on my blog every day. 

For today's A to Z Movie Smackdown, I'm featuring two movies who even the least cinematically inclined will have heard of (if not seen). They're both great movies with terrific casts, and if I had to pick one, well, I'm not really sure I could. So let's hear from you guys instead. VOTE for your favorite . . . 

J is for Jail Breaks:


My personal favorite jailbreak movie: O Brother Where Art Thou. 

This post is part of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme (in case you didn't already guess it) is Movie Smackdowns. Cast your vote NOW! Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you'd like to check out the other A to Z participants, simply click here.


  1. I've never seen, nor heard of, Cool Hand Luke. The Shawshank Redemption on the other hand I have seen at least a thousand times, so it gets my vote. I also loved O Brother, Where At Thou? for what it's worth. :)

  2. Shawshank ... did I say that fast enough. I cannot vote against it, I just cannot! :)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  3. Shawshank. I know I saw CHL, but the fact that I can't really remember it but can tell you all about Shawshank... Well...

  4. I saw Cool Hand Luke years ago. Still would give it to Shawshank. Really good movie.
    Although if Stir Crazy was listed, that would've swayed my vote.

  5. I am with Alex, Stir Crazy... but films at hand... Shawshank is an amazing film, so is Cool Hand Luke so I choose Reform School Girls... ;)

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  6. I'm going to going with Shawshank if only because the delightful Vidya Sury mentioned the movie on one of her A to Z posts. Oh, and I'm number 1295 on the list today. Best wishes! And thanks for the visit to my humble blog.

  7. Shawshank. That movie was incredible.

  8. Shawshank Redemption ... what a lovely movie :-D

  9. I can watch Shawshank over and over again.

  10. I haven't seen either, so abstaining today from voting :)

    A/Z challenge is going well here; juggling time to get it all done :)


  11. OMG, I've seen both of these! Happy dance!

    I love Shawshank. Love, love, love it. Didn't care for Cool Hand Luke, even with Paul Newman in it.

  12. I actually haven't seen Cool Hand Luke. :) I did see Shawshank, and while I agree it's an excellent film, I prefer "movies" that aren't as realistic. I don't like to cry in movies, see. I like things like the Expendables. Lots of explosions. :)

    Visiting you back from the A-Z Challenge, the Writer's Retreat, #1,654 in the challenge. Happy blogging!

  13. I haven't seen either, but I do love O Brother Where Art Thou :)

  14. Shawshank has my vote. Not that cool hand Luke isn't a good movie.

  15. Shawshank is a tough one to vote against. But O Brother is a more than worthy contender. Have yet to see Cool Hand Luke.

  16. Both movies are great and love the character actor, Strother Martin, who steals the picture ("What we got here is a failure to communicate"). I have to give it to Shawshank Redemption. This is one of my all time favourite films. It did not do well when it came out because the title through people off but the title is actually perfect. Can't believe Forrest Gump won instead of this film

  17. Both good movies. This one is a tough one. I have to go with Shawshank though. Quite possibly one of the best movies of the 20th century. I'm pretty sure it ranks pretty high on the IMDB top 250 as well, so it's not just me saying that... Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

  18. I must watch Cool hand Luke again, shawshank has certainly made an impression.

  19. I LOVE Shawshank Redemption, I can watch that one over and over. Great post! If you have time you should stop by and check out my J post.

  20. This one's easy for me - Shawshank! A movie I never expected to like, but adored when I finally watched it! :)
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles
    Wittegen Press

  21. Shawshank any time. I saw CHL a zillion years ago but don't remember it much. SR was written by Stephen King and I know that some rate it as a very powerful and excellent book.

  22. It has to be Shawshank for me. Outstanding movie with outstanding performances. And of course the book is excellent.

    TD Harvey
    A to Z participant

  23. It has to be Shawshank for me. Outstanding movie with outstanding performances. And of course the book is excellent.

    TD Harvey
    A to Z participant

  24. Shawshank is my #1 movie all time, so it gets my vote.

  25. Can I vote for your personal favorite? :D

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  26. I vote for Cool Hand Luke! I love that movie. Every time I say "what we have here is a failure to communicate", no one ever understands what I'm talking about lol

  27. I've heard of Cool Hand Luke only through Mad Magazine and I've actually seen Shawshank, so that's what I'm voting for.

    I've really enjoyed this so far, keep it up!

  28. I'm really surprises, sure Shawshank is a good movie but Cool Hand Luke is seminal, and it's Paul Newman! my alternative suggestion ~ Holes

  29. Never seen Cool Hand Luke but I think I'd prefer Shawshank anyway.

  30. If you are a fan of jail breaks..... have you checked out the TV series Prison Break? - Jeri

  31. Definitely, Shawshank.....great movie!
    Inventions by Women A-Z
