
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post. A big thank you to our fearless leader, Alex J. Cavanaugh, for starting this group and giving writers a place to voice our fears. If you're an insecure writer or a writer looking to give support to others, check us out here

This month I have one very specific writing concern, and it's related to blogging -- the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge in fact. I'm one of the co-hosts this year, and I'm super excited for the chance to work with the incredible A to Z Team. But as it's my first year as part of the team, I'm a little anxious about doing the job well and making sure that I make ever participant feel welcome and encouraged. It's a lot of work, but I can't wait!

[Shameless A to Z plugging -- if you haven't signed up yet, there's still time! Click here to join us!]

If anyone is interested in helping me overcome this month's insecurity, I could use a few awesome Minions on my team. If you're interested in becoming involved in the A to Z Challenge, please let me know. 

Good luck this month to all my fellow insecure writers. And as always, happy blogging!


  1. I'm a little nervous about A to Z as well. Of course, I'm not part of the team. Good luck.

  2. I'm sure you'll be great as a co-host :)

  3. I signed up for it the other day. Thanks for making things like this happen!

  4. I'm not participating this year, so I'd love to take that free time to help out. Shoot me an email at if you're still in need of help :)

  5. You'll do fine! Just take it at an even pace. You don't want to burn out before the month ends.

  6. Congrats on making the team, Lauren. Sounds like a lot of work but I know you can do it. I wouldn't mind helping out as one of the minions, provided it isn't too time-consuming of course. :)

    1. I'd love to have you on my team this year if you don't think it'll be too much. If you'd give me your email address (or just email me a, I'd love to fill you in on the Minion specifics and give you a better sense of what that would entail. Thank you so much for volunteering.

  7. Wish I could take the challenge, but I'll just have to be content to read yours! And congratulations on making the team. Can't think of anyone better...

  8. You will do great-calm and steady wins all the time. You are not curing cancer you will be enjoying reading wonderful at to Z's

  9. That's awesome that you're co-hosting! I'm doing the challenge for the second time, but first time with a theme. Can't wait!

    February IWSG Co-host

  10. Replies
    1. I'd love you have you on my team this year! If you'd give me your email address (or just email me a, I'd love to fill you in on the Minion specifics! Thank you so much for volunteering.

  11. Depending on the approximate number of links you need your ninja minions to check, I would be willing to don yellow flesh and jean overalls! My e-mail is

  12. Okay, I already signed up. Woot. I haven't picked a topic yet though. Have you?

  13. I think you'll be a great co-host for the a-z challenge.
    I signed up and have my topic but I just can't figure out what I'm going to do for X.
