
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post. A big shout out to our fearless leader, Alex J. Cavanaugh, for starting this amazing group where writers can connect with one another. If you're an insecure writer or a writer interested in supporting others, check us out here!  

Today each IWSG member has been asked to write a little introduction before their post, so keeping that in mind, my name is S. L. Hennessy and I'm an insecure writer. I double majored in English Lit and History in college, and reading is my absolute favorite activity. I've completed my first novel, a middle grade piece about superheroes, and I have an agent representing me. As of yet, I have no publisher, but fingers crossed. 

As for my insecurities this month, well, they are legion. But it's the dawn of a new year, and the perfect time for fresh starts. I encourage everyone who struggle with writing last year (as I certainly did) to brush off their past troubles and dive in with a newfound sense of determination. That's my goal for 2015!

Happy blogging fellow IWSG-ers, and a happy new year! Can't wait to check in with everyone and read some of your introductions.


  1. So awesome you have an agent. Just keep believing a contract will follow!

  2. Sounds like your year is going to be a good one.

  3. Thanks for the invite! Happy to be among fellow insecure writers...:)

  4. Sounds like you've already got the right attitude!

  5. An agent-great! You will get a publisher-have faith!

  6. I do brush off the past regularly and fresh start is on the horizon. It's all good, writing, living, all of it.

    Here's my link if you'd like to drop by :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  7. Happy new year and here's to renewed writing :) x

  8. Great goal and I am attempting to do the same myself, among other things :)

  9. Exciting about the agent and your manuscript! Best wishes. I like your new page approach. I try to start the year similarly. I was in real funk toward the end of 2014, so it's time to recharge.
