
Monday, September 8, 2014

Sunflowers for Tina #LifeIsGood

Many of you knew Tina Downey, a devoted mother, wife, friend and blogger. She was a huge part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge and had her own blog, Life is Good. She was a kind, zany, wonderful woman who touched the lives of many while she was here on earth, and the world is a little darker without her shining presence.

In honor of her recent passing, we'd like to light up the blog-o-sphere with her favorite flower. So please join us today in our special bloghop, Sunflowers for Tina, and post a picture of a sunflower dedicated to Tina's memory.

Tina Downey, these sunflowers are for you . . .

I hope Heaven is brightened by your spirit, and I hope you see these sunflowers as you smile down at us.

We also wanted to spread the word about the fund set up in Tina's honor - the Downey Education Fund. Tina was a devoted mother, and all proceeds go to her family. If you'd like to contribute, please check out the Downey Education Fund badge on my sidebar or simply click the link below:


  1. Beautiful sunflowers and tribute for Tina.

  2. You found some real ones - wonderful! We will light up the blogging world today in her honor.

  3. I would love to say I was the closet to Tina, but that would be selfish... everyone loved Tina from her snarky self, to the help she always gave to us all. THANK YOU!


  4. Tina was a lovely soul, and this sunflowers you got her show us the light she spread around.

    I wish I could find some real sunflowers, too.

    Thanks for adding the donation badges!

  5. Those flowers are beautiful. Tina is loving this. I just know it.

  6. Blogger ate my comment or just hide it.

    Those sunflowers are absolutely gorgeous.

  7. Beautiful flowers! I'm sure Tina is making heaven brighter right now!

  8. You are so right in that Tina touched so many lives. A sweet tribute with beautiful flowers...she is smiling today from her heavenly sunflower garden. Thanks for your visit to my tribute.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  9. I like the tributes I've read so far, yours included. The sunflowers are so nice to look at, and I can see why Tina loved them so much.

  10. Those sunflowers are absolutely beautiful and you're spot on about Tina's spirit brightening Heaven. Here's hoping all of the sunflowers posted today will do her justice by brightening the blogosphere and internet in her honor.


  11. Hi SL ... lovely to see your tribute and your sunflowers ... Tina was an amazing blogger, mother and friend to many of us ..

    Lovely sunflowers ... I hope my seeds will sprout next year and I'll get a sunflower or two ... just in time to start growing and blossom for the A-Z challenge ... cheers Hilary

  12. Your sunflowers are so vibrant... really beautiful...

  13. beautiful flowers-so vibrant . It seems to sum up your friend quite well. Touching tribute

  14. The more sunflower pictures I'm seeing in all of the tribute posts, the more excited I am about seeing the ones I planted come into bloom. I hope they do.

    Tossing It Out

  15. Beautiful flowers, and such thoughtful words. That was Tina, bringing us all together.

  16. Sunflowers are beautiful and useful plants and the perfect tribute to Tina.

  17. I am sure she is smiling down at us today. Beautiful flowers and tribute.

  18. So good seeing sunflowers across the blogosphere today.

  19. Those are such lush sunflowers! Perfect for today.

  20. That was so beautiful, SL! I'm going to put that Downey Fund image and link on my blog roll. Thanks

  21. What a wonderful post.
    Thank you.
    Heather M. Gardner

  22. I think those are biggest sunflowers I've seen today. Very beautiful!

  23. A lovely tribute. She would have enjoyed it. We are the poorer for her loss.

  24. I wanted to find sunflowers as beautiful as those!

  25. Those are some really beautiful sunflowers.

  26. well done :) glad to have met you through the bloghop

  27. Thursday 11th September 2014

    Lovely photos of sunflowers. I agree with you. I'm sure that Tina has brightened up Heaven.

    This was not an easy blog hop for me to do. Tina was a special blogging friend to me. We had our secret language, Swedish, that we had fun with together, in spite of the fact that Tina did not have Swedish letters on her computer keyboard. It made spelling a challenge. I speak and write Swedish every day. No big deal. But to do it with someone like Tina Downey, who had preserved it like a precious treasure from childhood, while being surrounded by a sea of English, was a humbling experience. She had what I might call "linguistic courage". I'll miss her slant on language, on life and I'll miss her kindness and her unique sense of humour.

    I'm late making my rounds thanking those who have visited my post I am still looking for a photo of a sunflower that I took a few years ago of a lone sunflower that grew up out of a pile of leaves and dirt behind our garage. I'll post it if I find it, because it would be an appropriate symbol of Tina's tenacity and spirit.

    Kind regards,

    Great idea with the education fund for Tina's children.

  28. She was such a lovely bright woman who shared that brightness with us all. Lovely tribute, and flowers...

  29. Lovely flowers! Where did you find them?
