
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post! If you're an insecure writer or just looking to give some support to those of us that are, check us out here. And as always, a HUGE shout out to our fearless Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this group and giving us all so much support. Check him out here

This month I am facing a a new dilemma. I'm several chapters into a a redraft of an old story, and it's humming along fairly well. But to be honest, I'm just not feeling all that invested in the project. And to make matters worse, there's another project that's been running around my head the past few days, but I'm struggling to get anything on paper. I'm feeling a little defeated, but I really need to keep working. And more to the point, I need to make a choice between these two projects. Any advice? 

Good luck to all you other insecure writers out there!


  1. This is a touch question. It's hard to finish a project when the creative juices are flowing in another direction. You might need a break though, ya know?

  2. Hi, here from Alex's blog. This group really feeds my soul. It's great to know that I'm not the only person who struggles with these issues. From personal experience I can tell you this, if my heart isn't in a project it will be difficult to finish. Even worse, I doubt the writing would reflect my best efforts. I recently finished a novel I worked on for 41/2 years. I really need to work on the ending but frankly, I'm burnt out on it and need a change. Even though it's out to a couple of editors from publishing houses, and I should be fixing the problems I found, it's just not in me right now. I decided to dive into a new project. I just completed the research and am working on the outline. The fresh characters and plot have really energized me. This said, I'd recommend you set the current project aside and begin with one that you feel passionate about.

  3. This is tough and I am unsure how to help except to say to put both down even if it is for a few hours or a few days. Take a walk in nature, watch TV do anything that is away from this for the moment. Please do not feel guilty about it either. Sometimes one puts so much heart and soul into a project that, when nearing the end, one is exhausted and can be easily distracted. On the other hand, you may need to go towards the new project to rejuvenate your spirit so you can finish the first one. You might ask yourself "Are you the type of person who starts something but doesn't finish it? Is this only your body and mind letting you know you need a break?" In time you will find your answer and being away from it may help. Not sure if this helps but there is my little 2 cents worth

  4. Don't work on either for a day or two and then dive into whichever one calls the strongest.

  5. Flip a coin?
    Honestly, it's not so important which one you pick as long as you pick one and stick with it.

  6. I say work on the project you're inspired to. Though, if you find a trend of always wanting to work on new projects and not revise existing ones, maybe you could change up your process.

  7. I talked a little about this in my IWSG post today! I am shelving one of WIP, but I promise I'll be back;-) I'm feeling more drawn to my other story churning around in my head. When that happens, I have to follow my heart.

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  9. if you are trying to keep the other project at bay so you can finish the draft you are not so invested in, my personal advice is to set teh draft aside and go with the other project; I find that I'm the most creative when the story is fresh in my head and demands to be written and often, if I wait too long, the spark is lost. Who knows, maybe setting aside the draft will make you more invested once you get back to it. Best of luck!

  10. Gah! I hate when that happens. If you figure out what to do, tell me and hopefully I'll take your advice. I'm so sick of my ms right now I'd like to chuck it in the river and run away with the shiny new idea wooing me with a full court press. lol! Good luck with your decision!

  11. Yeah, that's a tough situation! Try to write both and see which one makes you happiest to spend time with? Give them each a chance to impress you and you might figure it out. I sound like I'm giving you dating advice, lol. Maybe it's not that different.

  12. If another project is exciting to you - write it down. I often have several projects floating around in my head. I just write down what ever comes to me - keep them separate - and work on one to completion - then move on. I know everyone is different, just how I juggle!

  13. If you have all these ideas, it shows you have an active imagination! I'd take the time to jot your new ideas into a file and go back to your current project. But don't keep working for too long on a project you start to feel is drudgery, unless you're being paid of course. It can be good to have a couple of projects going at once, so you can switch back and forth at will.

  14. That is exactly where I am. Having promised people the first project - I'm gonna hang in there and finish it, and think/plan the next one. Good luck!

  15. I think you know what to do. If there is a lack of passion in what you are writing, your readers will feel it. Go with the new story and let the passion flow. :-)

  16. I have that problem too. I know I need to finish something but another project is calling. I wish I had a magic answer for what to do.

  17. I read somewhere there are 2 writing rules:
    1. You must write
    2. You must finish what you write.

    If you don't feel excited about your current project right now, remember, at some point in the new project you will feel unexcited as well. Use the project you are excited about as a motivator to finish your current project.
