
Friday, November 8, 2013

Oh How I Miss You Blogfest

Late to the party on this one. Sorry guys. It's been a heck of a week, with a family member that took a bad spill and a friend who gave birth to a little girl a full two months early, I've neglected my blogging. Neglected it greatly, as I missed an IWSG post (my first since I joined the group). So I guess, belatedly, my insecurity for this month is the struggle between life and blogging. But here goes trying to make up for missing this one . . . 

But I made it just it time for the Oh How I Miss You Blogfest. Hosted by Andrew Leon, Alex J. Cavanaugh and Matthew MacNish, this bloghop is to honor the bloggers we really miss, and the ones we would miss if the worst happened and they ceased to grace us with their blogging presence. 

Fortunately for me, few of the bloggers I follow have stopped blogging, so my list here is short. The first would be my good friend Julie at From Pen to Paper. (By the way, she also happens to be the friend of mine that gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that I previously mentioned). Julie's funny and encourage, sharing her journey as a writer in a way that makes me laugh like a lunatic. I miss her posts, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll start up again once she's adjusted to life as a mom. 

The other blogger I miss a lot is Sophie Blackall at Missed Connections. Her artistic representations of posts from the Missed Connections section of the newspaper are breathtaking. Fortunately for me, she put a book together of her illustrations, so I can still look at them whenever I need a little beauty in my life. But I sure wish she posted new ones on her blog these days. 

As for the bloggers I'd miss the most if they stopped posting, that's a tough one. There are so many I count on each week, and so many I'd hate to lose. The Ninja Captain himself (aka. Alex J. Cavanaugh) would be a great and terrible loss. He's both encouraging and entertaining, and usually my first stop on the blog-o-sphere. And of course Mina Burrows, who shares my love of classic literature, vampires, and all related television shows. Her blog is one of my absolute favorites!

And last but not least would be a collection of bloggers - the bloggers that make up the Insecure Writers Support Group. Their posts get me through a lot of rough days when I feel like the publication world is against me and I'll never make it as an author. They are wonderful, and without them the blogging world would be a darker place. 


  1. Thus was a fun idea for a blogfest. Hopefully some come back to the community.

  2. Julie looks awesome... I can see how being a pregnant zombie might be hard on a blogging schedule...

  3. Thanks you, SL!
    And no worries you missed the IWSG.
    The IWSG is now a powerful force and some of the most amazing writers in the world. I think it's really cool that you mentioned them.

  4. Speaking of vampires (and because I can't remember), did you catch any of my vampire week?

    And look at that! In under the wire.
    Why is it under the wire? Where does that come from?
    Darn, now I want to know...

  5. I'd have trouble coming up with a list myself, probably because the past couple of years I've been a wee bit... disconnected from the interwebs. Still, good to see you're around some yourself.

  6. So sorry to hear about the injured family member and wishing Julie and her new baby lots of love, health, and happiness. The IWSG bloggers are the best, aren't they? Have a lovely weekend! :-)

  7. No need to apologize for not blogging, especially when things are happening to friends and family! I hope they're all okay...

  8. Thank you for the mention! You're one of my favs too! :)
    I've been so busy I don't know how I'm managing anything lately.
    I even missed IWSG & this blogfest. Shame on me!
