
Friday, September 27, 2013

Halloween Howl-Fest: Magical (Round 3)

I must admit, I'm surprised at some of the movies that made it into Round 3 of my Halloween Howl-fest. And very pleased for the most part (there are definitely a few movies from each category that I'm secretly rooting for). One of them has already been knocked out (sigh), but there are still a few contenders (and one or two dark horses) that I hope might sweep this thing. 

Is anyone else surprised? Pleased? Annoyed that their favorite movie lost out? Make sure that doesn't happen this round by voting for your top 2 magical films! Check 'em out . . . 

And if you're curious about which magical movies are going to make it to the next round, I'm sorry. You're going to have to wait a few weeks for that one (or you could always just read through the responses and tally them up for yourself, but that would be spoiling all the fun). Check back Monday, October 21st for the Top 2 teams from all four conferences that made it into the Quarter Finals bracket. And of course, take a look this coming Monday to vote for your favorite SUPERNATURAL films!

Have a great weekend! 


  1. My votes - Harry Potter and The Prestige.
    I'm sure I know how the next round will go, but I'll still vote my favorite anyway.

  2. I'm with Alex. Harry Potter and the Prestige.

  3. Same as above. Harry Potter and The Prestige.

  4. I'm sad that Hocus Pocus didn't make it to the next round, but I can't say I'm surprised it didn't, since it was up against HP and all!

    I'm only voting for The Craft this round, since--out of all these movies--that's the only one I've seen!

  5. Mine are also the same. Although I'm still trying to figure Potter as a Halloween movie.
    I'd like to vote for Apprentice, but I love The Prestige. Great movie. I own it.

  6. My vote is for The Craft and Sorcerer's Apprentice. My vote counts for 5 since I live with you.

    And Harry Potter is a Halloween movie because it's about witches and magic. Just as The Craft, Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Witches, Hocus Pocus, The Worst Witch and all the other Halloween movies related to witches and magic on her list are. I'm not entirely sure why it's hard to get that. Plus it's AWESOME!!!

  7. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

    Although, since The Sorcerer's Apprentice didn't take place during Halloween, I'm not sure you can really count it as a Halloween movie. Then again, I think most of the movies on this list didn't take place during Halloween, so maybe that's not really the end all and be all for whether something should count as a Halloween movie.

  8. I vote for Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

  9. Definitely, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

  10. I'm sorry, nothing can beat "troll in the dungeon" as far as halloween moments go. HP all the way. And Sorcerer's Apprentice since I actually don't feel the Prestige is a Halloween movie.

  11. Okay so I thought I came by and voted on Friday and for some reason my comment didn't take. Drat! Sorry about that. :(

  12. Did I miss the voting deadline? If not:

    Harry Potter
    The Prestige

  13. Hey, I just stumbled across this blog, and I LOVE this concept!

    I wish I had gotten here sooner, so that I could have voted for some of my favorites (Hocus Pocus absolutely should have won, even over Harry Potter!). I just hope I'm not too late to vote on the last two movies.

    1. Harry Potter (even though I'm still a little bitter it took out Hocus Pocus :s)

    2. The Sorcerer's Apprentice
