
Monday, April 1, 2013

A is for Antihero

April has finally arrived, and with it the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! Thanks again to all those amazing bloggers hosting this event, and in particular, everyone from Alex's Ninja Minions Team. Go writing ninjas!

As I mentioned in my last post, my theme for this year's challenge is character types and tropes. For each letter I'll discuss a different character stereotype, archetype or trope, and my Top Five favorite examples of each. I've got tons of terrific characters coming up, so stay tuned this April for some alphabetic awesomeness. Starting with . . .

A is for Antihero

An antihero is a protagonist that lacks in valorous characteristics and often acts as a representation of certain human flaws. They're basically heroes that aren't all that heroic. I've often found that these "antiheroes" are much more complex and interesting than their valiant counterparts. Here are a few of my favorite Antiheroes . . .

Scarlett O’Hara (Gone with the Wind) – She’s a strong, tough female in a society that raises women to be helpless and feminine, thus proving herself a true hero. But she’s also self-centered and selfish, out for her own aims no matter the cost. She’s far from the shining virtuous men and women we usually think of as the ideal protagonist.

Han Solo (Star Wars, episode IV-VI) – He's sarcastic, he's a materialist, and let's face it, he shot first. Well, at least in the original, pre-lunatic Lucas version. Han's got a roguish charm that's hard to resist, but he's definitely no chivalrousness knight in shining armor. And yet, beneath his mercenary attitude, he ultimately proves himself by risking his own life to save Luke and aid the rebel forces. He represents the emotional journey and redemption of the antihero. 

The Punisher (Marvel Comics) – Like many “superheroes”, The Punisher wages war on crime; however, he has no qualms with killing or torturing anyone who gets in his way, marking a clear departure from squeaky-clean superheroes like Captain America. Like Wolverine - another comic book antihero - the Punisher is aggressive and rough around the edges. He's part of a wave in the comic book industry (aka. The Bronze Age of Comic Books) where the heroes became much darker.

Dexter Morgan (Dexter) – Dexter Morgan is anything but your typical hero. He's a serial killer, taught to adhere to a strict moral code (the so-called "Code of Harry”), which allows him to unleash his sociopathic instinct on other murderers. Thus he protects the innocent from harm - be it from dangerous criminals or at the hand of his own demons. He kills crime  literally.

Leon (The Professional) – The last on my list and perhaps the least well known, Leon was a hitman for hire, ready to sell his talents to the highest bidder. And yet he's wonderfully humanized, caring for his potted plant with loving attention and grudgingly saving the life of young Mathilda, his twelve-year-old neighbor. He becomes her protector and mentor, eventually sacrificing his life to save her and proving that some killers really can redeem themselves. 

And there you have it, my Top 5 favorite Antiheroes. What are some of your favorites? 

P.S. A special shout-out goes to Arlee Bird over at Tossing It Out for starting the Blogging A Through Z Challenge. Thanks for making April so special!
This post is part of the Blogging A through Z Challenge 2013. My theme (in case you didn't already guess) is character types and tropes. Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet, and if you’d like to check in on the other participants, simply click here.


  1. I also find the antihero to be more interesting. I love the choices you have here, especially Dexter Morgan.

  2. I love Dexter and always preferred Han Solo to Luke Skywalker. My favourite anti-hero at the moment is Jack Reacher. I haven't seen the movie but the books are amazing.
    Great post! :-)

  3. Nice work on mentioning Leon the professional - awesome movie, awesome cast - I love the theme you have. Looking forward to more archetypes. Cheers

  4. Hey! Nice post! I like all the zombie, superhero, ninja related stuff I'm seeing here! Good luck with the challenge, I loooove Leon :D

    Hugs from Nikki -

  5. Han Solo, oh yes. Definitely one of my favourites :)

  6. Anti-heroes are actually my favorite kind of heroes. I was never into The Punisher, but I definitely love Wolverine. Haven't seen Dexter either, but the character sounds awesome, so I'll definitely be checking it out.

    Can't wait to see which other characters and tropes you'll be talking about.

  7. Definitely a unique approach to A-Z blogging. Looking forward to more.

    Patricia, Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice

  8. Very enjoyable. Will be back for more.

    I am also doing the challenge.

    Came by from Tales of the Reborn Crafter

  9. Han Solo would probably be my favorite. I have read anti-heroes who too far over the edge though.

  10. Anti-heros can make such interesting characters. Sometimes they become better people and sometimes they don't. I think Han Solo did.

  11. Well... Solo's not really the protagonist, though, at least not in the movies; he does star in plenty of his own books.
    It's been a long time since I've seen The Professional, and I haven't watched Dexter, yet.
    I'm kind of surprised you didn't put Mal on your list.

    1. Mal will make an appearance under the letter "R"...

  12. Since someone else in the Challenge brought up Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, I can confidently reference Tyr Anasazi. He's awesome no matter what!

  13. *big fat smiley face here* I love this post, very enjoyable. Han Solo was my fave in the movie as well, I'm a big fan of Wolvie rather than the Punisher, Scarlett and Leon are so worth the mention. A great start, can't wait to see more.

  14. I enjoyed this post because Dexter is my guilty pleasure. Leon was a great character too, his was such a journey in that movie.

  15. Good use of "A". I like the anti-hero idea as well as your choices. Interesting read.

  16. I guess I like the anti hero because Hans Solo, Scarlett and Dexter are some of my favorite characters of all time. Great list.

  17. Along with the aforementioned Han Solo, Jack Reacher and Wolverine, I gotta give a big shout out to Mal Reynolds!!!

  18. I had to laugh at Hans Solo. Excellent list. What about Snape from Harry Potter?

    1. Snape is a good choice as well, but I already have him coming up under the letter "H".

  19. Happy Day 1 of A to Z, S.L.! Gray characters are a special favorite of mine--sometimes the main character and so the antihero, sometimes a supporting character and merely gray. Two of my all-time faves are Sir Guy of Gisborne from BBC's Robin Hood (played by Richard Armitage) and Baron Vladimir Korf from Bednaya Nastya (Poor Nastya), a Russian historical series which you can find with English subtitles on Both of those guys do quite rotten things at the beginning of their story arcs, and yet they're the ones I end up caring about the most.

  20. I am familiar with all except Leon. Love Scarlett O'Hara, Hans, and any super hero antiheroes. I also have to agree that Snape from Harry Potter made a good antihero in the end. I am looking forward to more of your posts. Denise at Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers, participant of A to Z Blogging Challenge

  21. Is there such a thing as an Anti-Villian? Dexter maybe? No, probably not, but still. A guy or girl that has tons of positive things going for them, but at the end of the day is just a damned evil person.

  22. Great first post and theme. I'm looking forward to your B onwards.

  23. Great list, especially since it includes Dexter.

  24. The Professional, A great film, and Leon was a great character, anti-hero. I am always entertained watching that movie.

    A to Z Challenge

  25. I just discussed antiheroes in the English class I teach. I love them. This is an awesome theme.
