
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group post. Thanks again to Alex J. Cavanaugh for hosting this outlet for writers every month! So here’s my insecurity for August . . .

As a small respite from the endless wait for a publisher somewhere to finally decide my manuscript has merit, I decided to head to New York City with my family for a mini-vacation. And things were going really, really well. That is, until I got the dreaded email from my agent . . .

You've been rejected. Again.

Exactly the news you want to hear when you're on vacation, am I right? It certainly did some damage, spoiling what had been a really wonderful day of sightseeing and fun. However, I did my best to get past it (though I fear that my poor family had a rough time dealing with my resulting dip in enthusiasm).

For any of you who ever find yourself in a similar situation, I've developed the perfect antidote to what will heretofore be known as Publishers-are-sucking-out-my-soul-and-ruining-my-vacation-itus. The necessary ingredients include:

1. A good rant session with family and/or friends. Never underestimate the power of a good publisher-bashing. I've tested it many a time and believe me, it releases more endorphins than exercise.

2. Ice cream. Lots and lots of it. And if you've never tried mixing a scoop of peanut butter in with your ice cream, I'd highly recommend it.

3. D-List, guilty pleasure movies. Particularly of the disaster or science fiction persuasion. Watching an oversized crocodile terrorize a quite, lake-side town, a giant meteor heading for earth, or a half-man, half-hammerhead shark ripping people to shreds sure does put things in perspective.

4. The Olympics. Unfortunately this one is time sensitive, but there's nothing like watching Michael Phelps swim his way to history - and his 19th medal - to make you forget your troubles.

So there you have it. It comes with an insecure writer's guarantee! No prescription necessary. 

Side effects may include weight gain (ice cream, regrettably, tends to expand the waste-line), an irrational (or so they say) fear of crocodiles, meteors and hammerheads, and a potential overestimation of one's aquatic abilities.  


  1. Wait, I have it! Don't do any business while on vacation. Maybe that's too simple? I do like the ice cream solution. Since you were in NYC, you should have just gone banging on doors.

    1. I actually wasn't doing business. Just checking my email for my return flight home and happened to receive the email. So it goes.

    2. Ah, well... it's hard to avoid the sneak attacks.

  2. I'm partial to Mr. Ryan Lochte myself...

    As for the publishing foe pas, I suggest not only banging, but knocking some doors down. Physically. You might get a "Please don't return. Ever." memo, but you'll definitely get heard!

    NYC is my home away from home. Treat her well!

  3. At least you continue the endeavour :)

  4. It does seem that the closer you are to achieving a goal, the more it hurts when you have a setback. I say blame the agent. They are under-selling you.

  5. Sorry to hear about the recent rejection. The way I see these things, it's the agent/editor/publisher/whoever-is-doing-the-rejecting's loss. At least now you'll get to stick your tongue out and shake your butt at them, when you eventually become the next J.K. Rowling. ;)

    1. I plan on sending all the publishers a nice thanks for rejecting me note when that happens :)

  6. Guilty pleasure movies always help! And lots of computer games. Killing video game critters always makes me feel better.

  7. I've been known to have a glass of something red with my rejection e-mails...and it ain't Kool Aid. ;-)

    Hang in there, S.L. - we gots to keep fighting the good fight!
    Some Dark Romantic

  8. Sorry to had bad news on your vacation. I always check to see if I have emails, but I wouldn't open it until I was home. That's my defence, delay tactics!

    Hope the ice-cream, ranting, films and Phelps helped!

  9. What a bummer. (Love the publisher bashing - LOL) Hope you get good news soon.

    IWSG #179 (At least until Alex culls the list again. :P)

  10. Chocolate shakes always make me feel better. Unless someone forgets the whipped cream and cherry on top and then there is hell to pay...

    Not that I'm moody or anything. I just like whipped cream and cherries.

    I predict it won't be much longer before you get a massive book deal!!

  11. LOL. I love the list--and the noted side effects, too. ;)

  12. Ha - I love every single one of those ideas!

  13. The anitdote to bad news? Mamma Mia on the big screen and a hot fudge, pink peppermint sundae with banana slices, nuts and whipped cream.

    Mamma Mia also has the added bonus of driving hubby outside. Hey, the boy needs fresh air!

  14. And look... I've failed my insecure writers post AGAIN.

    You put me to shame, Lauren, deary. YOU REMEMBER EVERY SINGLE MONTH!!!

    By the way, I'm totally bummed about your reject. CLEARLY publishers don't know a J.K. when they see it. Don't worry, they'll be kicking themselves later ( :
