
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day and the Force of July

Like most of my fellow Americans, I love the 4th of July. Not only is it a national holiday (which means no working – hurray!), but it’s also the day that has come to represent liberty, freedom from tyranny, and a nation united.

Not to mention fireworks.

Now, anyone who has read any of my previous holiday themed blogs (see here and here) knows that when it comes to holidays, I love two things: traditions and movies. And in this case, my family has combined the two, making it a tradition to watch movies. For Christmas we watch Die Hard and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, for Halloween we watch Ghostbusters and Hocus Pocus, and for July  4th we watch Independence Day and Live Free or Die Hard.


Two of my very favorite movies, they have several commonalities:

1) They’re both action movies. Or I should say, they’re both AMAZING action movies.

2) They both have scenes in which the White House gets blown up.

And 3) They’re both set on The Fourth of July.

Not to mention, they each star two of the three best male action stars of all time, aka. Bruce Willis and Will Smith. (The third is, of course, Harrison Ford.) They fight off alien invasions and stop an evil band of cyber terrorists in their tracks. They protect us and look good doing it. They’re my July 4th heroes. They are . . . The Force of July!

I don’t know about you, but watching these two movies on Independence Day makes me feel very patriotic. It’s a tradition I gladly participate in every year.

I hope your holiday is as wonderful (and action packed) as mine. Happy Fourth of July everyone!


  1. Hmm... Although I agree that Will Smith (along with Jeff Goldblum) was really good in ID4; I have that on my Worst Movies Ever list. I'm glad I saw it in the theater when it came out, but you'd have to pay me to see it again.

  2. Oh, Happy Fourth!

    And I didn't mean to trash your holiday movie, but I'm sort of always surprised when we have a differing opinion on one of these things, so I figured I'd share.

    1. Haha, yeah, I think there are a lot of people that would disagree with me on this one. But I love the Die Hard franchise (which my dad and I have been watching since I was seven), so they're all classics to me.

    2. I like the Die Hard movies. Except for 3, I think. The one where the boat explodes. I didn't like that one.

  3. Happy Independence Day.

    I haven't seen Independence Day in ages, but I remember it was quite awesome back in the day. And just like Andrew, I don't know about Die Hard 4 being held with such high regard. It was a decent action movie, no doubt, but my love for it ends right there.

  4. Yes, all good movies, but Die Hard on Christmas? lol

    I usually watch "Miracle on 34th St," "It's A Wonderful Life," and "A Christmas Story" per tradition. Oh, and did I mention I make a birthday cake for Christmas morning?

    Happy 4th to you! It's the 5th in Manila.

  5. I loved ID4 when it came out, although I feel like I've liked it less and less since that first time.

    Still, it's fun to have movie traditions. Happy fourth to you.

  6. Dynamite choices S.L.. Die Hard 4 is an instant classic!
    - Maurice Mitchell
    The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr
    @thegeektwins | @mauricem1972

  7. I haven't seen Live Free or Die Hard. Then again, I haven't seen Die Hard 2 or 3 yet. ID4 is a great one, though.

  8. I've not seen Independence Day for ages! I'll have to dig that out of the DVD pile and give it a rewatch :)

  9. We ended up watching a Bond movie yesterday evening, that and Star Wars. Then I closed it out with the Twilight Zone and Futurama. But I would definitely have watched Independence Day, because that's one of my favorite movies. I haven't gotten around to seeing all of the Die Hards yet.

    1. Excellent, excellent choices. Star Wars and Bond are some of my all time favorite franchises.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. SL writes "(The third is, of course, Harrison Ford.)"

    If only Air Force One took place on July 4th! Though, President James Marshall would have caught grief spending Independence Day in Russia!!

  12. Hahahaha! You WOULD have a picture of Bruce Willis on your 4th of July post ( : You make me laugh, Lauren dearie!!

    My 4th of July movie tradition? The Patriot.

    Now I know Mel Gibson may not be as bad-to-the-bone as Bruce... BUT STILL... his acting chops in the Patriot are AMAZING!! This movie moves me! I love everything about it!! (Except the chopping and stabbing... I cover my eyes during the blood! I'm a sissy!) And... dare I say it?... I EVEN CRY DURING IT!!

    I know. You're shocked.

    Its my favorite movie. What can I say?

  13. I will say I usually watch Independence Day as well n the 4th of July. It is becoming a tradition around here as well..:))

    I am glad that there are more people around that have movie traditions for the Holidays as I do..:))

  14. Haven't seen either of these. They sound like great movies for the 4th of July, though. :)

  15. I'm so thrilled that you have these great and inexpensive traditions. It really doesn't take money to make people happy, just the right attitude. Be grateful and take pleasure in every little thing is my motto and it looks like you're doing just that. I hope you had a wonderful 4th and enjoyed your movies a lot! :-)

  16. Oh man, I love Independence Day! It's definitely a classic around my house. Bill Pullman's speech is awesomeness! :)
