
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pirates or Ninjas?

Alright people, it’s time for me to ask the ultimate question of this generation. The question my friends and I have debated (heatedly) more times than I can possibly count. The question that divides us all.

The question of Pirates or Ninjas?

Do you like Pirates of the Caribbean or The Three Ninjas? Captain Hook or Ra’s al Ghul? Dread Pirate Roberts or The Hand? Throwing stars or cannons? Katana or cutlass? Are you stealthy or swarthy? Do you prefer training or drinking? Would you follow a Sensei or a Captain?

Think hard before you answer, because there’s no going back. Your answer will define you. So what would you choose? 



  1. Pirates. Definitely pirates.

    Though I would have to be my own captain because I'm kind of a failure at following direction.

  2. As much as I love Wesley, I have to say I'm Team Ninjas. Stealth and cunning over brute force!

  3. Pirates! They seem like they enjoy what they do more. Ninjas never seem happy, and if you're not happy, what's the point? Plus, age of sail ships are just so very cool.

  4. This is such a difficult question!!
    You got the stealth and cool moves of the ninja on the one hand, but on the other, you got cannons and beer!!!
    Can I vote for a plundering ninja? (:

  5. For me it was a no brainer. Ningas are boring. Pirates on the other hand have limitless adventures, women and rum! Ayyye, 'tis a pirate life fer me, indeed!

  6. Pirates.

    I've never even seen a ninja movie. And have no desire to, either.

  7. One might argue that the best pirates actually are ninjas. So I voted ninja.

    1. I'm not sure I agree with you here. Can I have an example of this?

  8. I like the Dread Pirate Roberts, but since I AM a Ninja - Ninjas all the way!

  9. Ninja.

    Ninjas do not have to worry about getting scurvy.

  10. The answer is obviously ninjas.

  11. It's a tricky one, but I have to side with pirates. I don't have the stealth to be a ninja, but I can drink, sing, and curse with the best of them.

  12. It's funny, but my sister and I used to have these lengthy arguments about what we wanted to be when we grew up. I very much wanted to be an assassin (don't ask) while she showed an affinity to ninjas. It wasn't until recently that we realized the two weren't mutually exclusive. In fact, it could be argued that they are one and the same.

    I choose ninjas by the way; pirates have this bad reputation for (allegedly) ruining the games, music and movie industries. :D

  13. If you ask my kids, they choose Pirates. And in three weeks, there will be a Half Fairy/Half Pirate combined birthday party in my backyard. Complete with bouncy house.

    I'm still Team Ninja. The Silence wins.

    1. Uh, and I wasn't invited? So uncool.

      That sounds like the best birthday party pretty much ever. Pirates, fairies, AND a bouncy castle. WOW.

    2. And two of my homemade cakes. Still designing them.

    3. So The Silence are actually ninjas? That would explain why no one ever sees (or remembers seeing) a ninja...

  14. This really all depends upon whether you're talking real ninjas or not. Which, by the way, were assassins. That's all they were for. And cowards. The goal was never to have a fight you could run away from.

    It's a different story, though, if we're talking fake ninjas like the Hand.

    And Ra's as a ninja? When did that happen?

  15. Vote one for nijas S.L. I've never seen a Ninja movie I didn't like. On the other hand, several pirate movies come to mind as being bad with the "exception of Yellowbeard."
    - Maurice Mitchell
    The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr
    @thegeektwins | @mauricem1972

  16. Ninjas. I like how they can pass unnoticed.

  17. I'd hate to have to choose between them, I'm not that big a fan of either. Maybe if they were combined into a single thing? A hard drinking, peg legged, ninja?

  18. I don't love either of these, but despite an interest in Asian culture, I'd actually have to go with pirates.

  19. Pirates are best. Why? Because they aaarrrrrggghh!

  20. I dig pirates, but Ninjas have way cooler weapons.

  21. I love pirates.
    Thanks so much for your kind words at Alex's blog today. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm following your blog now.

  22. Without-a-doubt NINJAS… they rock, have honor, and could destroy pirates with ease.

    They personify: hard work, dedication, honor and skill without measure.
    They were the best of the best—they protected the emperor and killed all who threatened their kingdom.

  23. This one is so easy for me. Ninjas. I would be one if I only had time...

  24. I like Rusty's answer hahaha. I had a Ninja Weekend Follies last week with a few Pirate vs. Ninjas clips for kicks.

  25. Not surprisingly, both nephews voted a combination...pirate ninjas. They still have their love for pirates, but must vote ninjas for their stealthy moves. Actually, their friends call them the (gingers) GINJA NINJAS (because of their red hair) :)

  26. Damnit, don't make me choose!
    But if I must, I'll go for Ninjas stealthy assassins are my class of choice so ninjas it has to be.

  27. Ninjas. But really, that's not a fair question. :)

  28. This is so-crazy-late, but I vote ninjas. Ninjas are just the awesomest ever.

  29. Well, here's the final tally:
    Pirates - 10 cutlasses
    Ninjas - 16 katanas
    Pirate/Ninja Combo: 5, uh, katanlassas

    It's a sad day for pirates. And for me, since I'm definitely Team Pirate. But what they lack in numbers they make up for in style points.

    Thanks for voting everyone!

  30. Hey Julie, I was wondering the same thing - what about the Ninja Captain?

  31. Hello. Late to this one! I definitely agree with the katanlassas... you just can't force us to choose sides like that. Samurai Jack with a pirate hat is my vote.

    I have an award for you! Stop by my blog to pick it up :)

  32. Pirates without a doubt, what could you want beyond constant adventures, companionship and looting?
